
#2 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 a year on. Notes from 25th March 21

#2 Social Dreaming Matrix: Covid-19 a year on. Notes from 25th March 21

Around 56 participants

17 dreams

27 associations

but missed some

Starts in silence

D 1. I am preparing a feast for a large group. Vegetarian cooking. Trying new recipe Did not know what I am doing but did my best. People arrived too early for the feast. Confusing. Preparation was not correct.

D 2. 40-50 people waiting, looking at me, I am standing there.

D 3. I am expected to teach, I did not have my laptop or notes. Panic. Class moved outdoors and it was raining.

D 4. recurring dream always at a new year. I am asked to teach, when I agree, the wall opens and Leeds to a dark theatre and people there, no idea what I am supposed to tell them.

Ass 1

Just finished a Dialogue meeting in USA, the problematic wish to be perfect.

D 5. Wall sliding; in the dream the hybrid registration interface….took time to figure which side I am

Ass 2

Exposure. Murder last week

In all the dreams- the dreamers are not prepared, what are we preparing for in the Covid world?

Ass 3

Some of the situations result from Covid. How will we cope with? Looking at you, not waiting for the play.

D 6.  We are announcing a dance event that we promote, it entails touching moving together, sweating. I announce to the sea of people, on a bench that was sliding. She had a mask/A pacifier. Sliding, I am separated from the group. How connected we are with faces covered and reassured.

This dream holds longing to the post-Covid. Mourning of the loss of closeness.

Ass 4

Panic about global threat that you are not ready to meet. Being a grown up

Some of the dream brought back a dream of a lost friend…?

D 7. Being lost, trying to find a road. On a motorbike, following the road. the road vanished.

Getting lost with no way

D 8. A woman came along on a horse, her father sent her a long way. Everything will be ok (romantic messenger).

Wishful thinking

Ass 5

Wizard of Oz A lost woman looking for the wizard.

Getting lost, hope.

Ass 6

I am not enough, who I am what I am is not enough, need to pacify to have more, anxiety, showing up…baby bust…not ready…

I got disconnected

D 9. I had a father, he was very young, not really my father but I accepted him as my father.

D 10. in an island, a lot of chairs. fathers with kids. My friend ready to go to the beach: playa del sol. “Son of a bitch”.

Anger starts to surface.

Stepping aside.

Ass 7

We heard background noise of children playing.

Mothers, mother earth, leadership, maternal leadership, feminine leadership.

Ass 8

Young father – too young to be a father. We have to trust, the dreams speak of a lot of confusion, not knowing, vaccines are confusing. Who can we trust?

Confusion and lack of trust

D 11. I am in an hotel maintained by a…..

D 12. beach. I was staying by the coast, I dreamed about the harbour, a woman struggles…

Ass 9

Lately my father announced that he is running for a high social position. How to support him? I am confused, not feeling I am good enough.

Fathers fathers fathers/ Dad Dad Dad / dead dead dead

Reflections about sound and names and language: emotions?

Ass 10

Dads, not manly-enough. My father not man-enough a different model of leadership. Toxic side not acceptable.

Gender or Identity conflicts, in terms of social and cultural context?

Ass 11

Where there are flowers and women. Masculine is toxic. Painting outside

Ass 12

How he had lost his beloved painting grief. What is outside and wild.

Difficulty of enough. Soundtrack. Beautiful child noises

Passing horse and carriage, huge number of flowers life is being celebrated.

D 13. I am in the bedroom of my grandmother. My mother, who is dead. I am changing dresses. Two friends. changes from shorts, it depends what you want. Changed to a long, nice women dress.

Ass 13

Africa. when one perceives they did wrong or not good enough, they will go to the centre of the village and tell what they did (confess)

Ass 14

Good enough mother. Not enough anymore. Separation. Process that makes us individuals. How will that be in the future. Separation from others.

Responsibility and ethics.

Covid is an enforced separation – social distancing. What will be the impact?

D 14. Not being able to cry. No one could see other crying

D 15. I am invited to audition to join Pink Floyd. Two of the band wanted me.

Men We are insecure not safe. Need to play a role.

Pink Floyd – George Floyd

Manliness is toxic. Maternal longings. Mothers are suffocating.

Again connections with institutions and parents figure. The matrix is try to build something?

Matrix/Group/people and connections. A group as a way to be part of something.

Ass 15

Not being able to cry – Pink Floyd.

Struggle with grieving. Being able to grieve in the open

It was raining tears.

Dialog in the US and anger. Most of the western world will be vaccinated the other part of the world will be deprived.

Not being able to grieve

Grief, not being able to cry, crying is saving

Ass 16

Song: as my guitar gently weeps

The song has written during a split of the band of The Beatles. Connection? Again, feelings and emotions.

Ass 17

Different generation’s painter who can’t see well, young father, relations mother granddaughter grandmother.

Pink Floyd there is a sky in the sky

Pink Floyd. Pink = meditation, harmony.

D 16.  I was a surgeon wearing pink scrubs. I say: we should not be operating, it is in a different country.

Ass 18

Different country make you think different

Ass 19

I can’t breathe

Ass 20

Many Balloons for 15th birthday of my son. Glad my son is ok with pink.

D 17. I am traveling with my parent toto go to the Harry Potter movie set.

My parents could not see the saw. They forgot their childhood, I can’t miss the saw. I stayed to see the show. Need to do what we have to do.

Losses, knowing, not knowing.

Intergenerational conflict, letting the old age parents go. (in the reflection: “I am aware of my age, what will be the world that my grandchildren will meet post Corona)

Ass 21

Protest of black life matters

Social and historical presence in the Matrix. Cultural or Identity issue?

Ass 22

To breathe, life is breathing: we begin with breathing in and finish with breathing out.

Covid’s death = unable to breath

A psychosomatic connection. Matrix as a space but also a virtual body.

Ass 23

Inspiration and expiration

Ass 24

Old fisher men and women.

She is thrust into the sea by her father, abandoned, Skelton, the skeleton chases the fisherman. He keeps her in the house. Gets a glimpse of a tear, she cries and changes to a beautiful woman.

Language of legends: Hope: from skeleton to beautiful woman

Ass 25

Sea ship woman: movie: whale rider. Fight for leadership

Silence 3 min to go to the end of the session.

Ass 26

Whose names are known/said /remembered? Who can breathe? Can we breathe while the trees are burning? Who am i keeping from breathing?

Ass 27

Countries who received vaccines and other that did not.

Guilt of being part of the privileged


  • I was thinking about time and space referring to Father and Mother.
  • A very Social SDM in terms of a way to create and apply a role during the pandemic.
  • Dreams around the question of inner self and social experience.
  • A connection with Institutions and a very psychosomatic feeling: foods, memories with family and action in social context. Also it seems that we are in a process in which we can observe a transgenerational movement. A transgenerational reflection not only with the pandemic but with Institutions.
  • The matrix is a real container!

Blog compiled by Eliat Aram, Domenico Agresta, Mira Erlich-Ginor and Carlos Remotti-Breton

Image: Feline Authority, with black corvid bird, a Social Dreaming illustration by Juliet Scott 2020 (detail)

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