TIHR Lunchtime Talk: 29th July 2015
Thomas Spielhofer, Joe Cullen, Kerstin Junge, Dave Drabble and Matt Gieve have for the last year been working on an exciting European project exploring the way social media is used by citizens and Emergency Services in emergencies. In this talk, they will provide more details about the project, provide some insights into how social media is currently used, and report on two online surveys they have completed which explored the attitudes of citizens and emergency services towards social media. This will provide the audience of this lunchtime talk an insight into what types of people are more likely to share and look for information on social media during an emergency and the implications this has on the way emergency services use this information.
The talk: Emergencies in 140 characters – researching social media in emergencies is part of the Tavistock Institute’s Food for Thought series.
If you would like to attend this talk please send an email to talks@tavinstitute.org with your name, the talk date and title.
Every third Wednesday at the Tavistock Institute, staff, associates, trustees and partners have come together for these informal talks. Their intention is the provision of a space of debate and reflection between Tavistock staff, those who are or have been collaborating with us and other interested researchers and practitioners
You are welcome to bring your own lunch.
For more information on upcoming and previous talks, how to book or get more involved go to the dedicated Food for Thought webpages.