Image Credit: Dreaming and the Dreamt, watercolour on Langton paper, 148 x 105 mm by Juliet Scott.
It’s nearly six months since Friday 24th June when we kicked off the first series of Social Dreaming matrices in the Wellcome Library Reading Room. Brexit was unfolding, dreams were colourful and colourless, uncertainty prevailed. The questions we took in to these were on dreams and archival practice, on what happens in the recovery and relocation of an organisation’s archive and the relationship of this material to the world we live in now.
With the archival material well out of the bag and a lot more besides we are very pleased to be able to continue this work with a second series of events beginning in January 2017.
So dreamers, you are warmly invited to take part in this unique form of social inquiry the Social Dreaming Matrix. Join us in January to dream the New Year:
Thursday 12 January 2.00 to 3.15 pm
Thursday 19 January 7.00 to 8.15 pm
Tuesday 24 January 3.00 to 4.15 pm
Tuesday 7 February 3.00 to 4.15 pm
Wednesday 22 February 4.00 to 5.15 pm
Tuesday 28 February 2.00 to 3.15 pm
Asking ‘What did we dream about last night?’ we will explore our dreams to see what collective meanings we can find. We will associate with the dreams to consider what they might tell us about our shared experiences and understandings; we will explore whether these dreams tell us something about the world we live in; about our communities, our workplaces, and our common experiences.
Following each session, the story of the event will be written up and appear on this blog. Dreamers and dreams will be anonymised. You can read our review of dreams, musings and meaning making of the first series here.
We will be holding a Social Dreaming review session on Wednesday 8th March from 3.00 – 4.15pm in the Wellcome Library Reading Room. Everyone, whether they have been present at the matrices before or not, is invited.