Online dreaming sessions during COVID-19
You are invited to a series of online social dreaming sessions, taking place on Zoom from 1.00 – 2.15 BST Monday and Thursday from 30 April – 25 June 2020 including a post-matrix review.
Participants share their overnight dreams in order for everyone to make wider associations which may relate to the current socio-political environment – in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic. And in the process of accessing the unthought known, creating new meaning and understanding through making connections between dreams (the unconscious) and our social context.
The sessions will take place every Monday and Thursday from 30 April – 25 June 2020.
Reflections and findings from the sessions will be shared (anonymously) via the Tavistock Institute’s Archive Project blog. We invite participants to join this conversation and share their thoughts – reflecting on their experiences and responses to the SDM. The blog draws comparisons between archives as memory; and dreams as the surfacing of unprocessed thought or raw archival material, thereby creating possibilities for the new.
The Tavistock Institute has curated Social Dreaming Matrices to address pivotal social events for almost a decade. From the SDM in Finsbury Square, London during the Occupy movement through to the Reading Room series with the Wellcome Trust during the 70th anniversary of the TIHR – making social meaning of key events in recent history (eg Brexit vote, Trump election).
It seems apt that we will now offer an international space with our social dreaming colleagues and others around the globe, to study the pandemic that has been impacting us all.
Starting on the 30 April, whilst a large part of the world is still under strict quarantine measures, we will be offering the space to dream twice a week between 1.00 – 2.15 BST, a time which we hope makes the session accessible for all of you dreamers around the world, whether it would be early morning or late evening for you. (please note the SDM will not take place on Monday 25 May, as it is a public holiday in the UK).
For more information about Social Dreaming:
- The Practice of Social Dreaming: Guiding Principals
- Social Dreaming international Network
- Social Dreaming at Tent City 2011
- Social Dreaming blog – Tent City 2011
- Wellcome Trust Reading Room SDMs 2017
Please note the Social Dreaming international Network is holding 3 Social Dreaming Matrices beginning on 10 May. Download the brochure here.
For more information about events around the pandemic:
You can follow the SDM blog here
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