
The Dehumanization of Consultancy

The Dehumanization of Consultancy

Why a Certificate in Consultancy and Change in Latin America now?

Why a Certificate in Consultancy and Change in Latin America now?

Why join the Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change (P3C) programme in Argentina?

With fifteen years’ experience working in the corporate world in Argentina, I have observed something that I call… the dehumanization of consultancy.

The consultancy field, like any other service offered for the improvement of organizations, relates particularly to the political context:

During the 1990s, when the political – economic privatization model had its boom, Argentina and the other countries of Latin America were rocked by surging economic growth. Mergers and acquisitions destabilized organizations and brought about rapid transformations, both internal and external.  Invited foreign investors were richly rewarded. Organizations changed rapidly in response to the promise of leaving the old state of stagnation behind. New technologies, both hard and soft, were incorporated into the way organizations were working. With the advent of new methodologies, organizational teams were invigorated by hiring professionals from the best universities and incorporating new decision-making lines with different criteria and contemporary tools to manage resources.

With the opening of the frontiers for corporate growth, new methodologies for measuring people and their effectiveness were eagerly adopted by professional consultants wanting administrative tools for specific areas of business. Professional and systematic ways of learning new content emerged through training courses offering professional certifications for consultants.  Organizational Development (OD), Balance Scorecard, Myers Brigg Type Indicators, Kaizen, Process Reengineering, Chains of added-value, SAP (which later gave way to coaching, and mentoring) and processes of leadership were some of the tools we used to transfer our learning to our clients. These tools were supposed to enhance reliability, quality, productivity and hence the profitability of organizational teams.

However, in many cases where these tools and skills were implemented, such improvements and changes faltered or failed.  Many of the methodologies that came from abroad did not instill cultural changes and were not producing the expected effects.  Integration between hardware, software and people-ware was not always achieved.  Consultant’s efforts were focused on trying to produce greater efficiency among teams who were confronted with rapidly accelerating advances in technology. But the processing of the unconscious, the organizational factors unique to state policies and politics and the conditions and characteristics of the socio-cultural environment were largely ignored.

In this context, since 2011 B&K Change has offered consultants a series of opportunities, with the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which aim to help Latin Americans embrace a different consulting culture where ‘under the surface’ dynamics and the unconscious are fully present as a manifestation of political, economical and organizational life.

Now, as a new client system with different sets of needs arises in Latin America, these needs are not being fulfilled with traditional consultancy tools. The P3C programme offers consultants, managers and professionals a unique and sophisticated mix of tools that really help clients navigate their current complex environment through studying the systemic and psychological forces that underlie what’s going on in a particular group or organization.

A new way of consultancy in the organizational field is emerging in the new Latin American context and you can be part of it. The P3C Argentina programme is certified by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Come and join us in P3C Argentina.

Gabriela Barrial
Director, B&K Change, Argentina

To find out more about the programme and express an interest please contact Gabriela Barrial:

gbarrial@bkchange.com or Dimitris Vonofakos dimitris.vonof@bkchange.com
T: +54 11 4872 8189

Para obtener mayor información acerca del programa y/o para solicitar el formulario de inscripción, por favor contactar a Gabriela Barrial. Al haber vacantes limitadas, recomendamos inscribirse con la mayor antelación posible. El programa será certificado por el Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

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