From the early planning stages of the festival the team met to decide where we would like the events to be hosted. It seemed obvious that the festival would take place in the home city of the Tavistock Institute, London and that we would use multiple venues, offering creativity and flexibility for the wide range of events the festival brings together. The festival will take place in multiple venues during: 17-20 October.
You can find out more about the venues below, as well as seeing a small selection of the events that will take place in each location. For the full programme please see the festival website.
Located just a short walk from Covent Garden station and Tottenham Court Road station,
the Swiss Church is the main hub of activity during the festival. It will be host to our Archive Objects exhibition and many of our events throughout the building.
A few examples of events taking place at the Swiss Church:
- Democracy at Risk: How Group Relations Illuminates
- History at Work: Building Organisational Memory, Empathy & Compassion
- The Earth Body we Live in and its Energetic Resources

Imagining the festival space at the Swiss Church (photo: Juliet Scott)
Garden Museum
The Garden Museum, the burial place of the famous gardener John Tradescant, will be the venue for our Group Relations for the Over 70s Conference.
The afternoon will host a series events including:
- Uncanny Pleasure: All the Colour Nature Possesses
- New Wine in Old Bottles – Intransigent Problems of Health & Social Care
- Customising TIHR Traditions: Dialogue Towards an International Symposium
The Garden Museum
Conway Hall
Conway Hall is located in Holborn and will host the full day symposium, ‘In the Shadow & Light of the Archive’. Including a keynote speech from our CEO Eliat Aram and talks from the Tavistock Institute’s researchers this day will take place on Thursday 19th October.

Conway Hall
Wellcome Libary
The Wellcome Library is the home of our archive where a large amount is already cataloguedand available to look at. Located just by Euston station, the Wellcome building hosts the collection and the library.
During the festival, the reading room will host:

The Wellcome Library
Wedlake Bell
Wedlake Bell is near Mansion House station and not far from the river thames. It will be holding the panel discussion, ‘Impact of Tavistock group relations and individual consultation,’ on Tuesday 17th October.
A map showing the locations of all the venues, along with directions and travel details can be found here.