
Gabriela Barrial

Gabriela Barrial

Gabriela Barrial is a clinical psychologist, organisational development consultant and executive coach.

After two decades of corporate experience in the media industry and in the financial services field, leading areas of learning and leadership development, Gabriela founded B&K Change consultancy group, who apply behavioural change and management to design and implement interventions that help people and businesses who are in the process of changing and transformation.

B&K specialises in developing skills and capabilities to deal especially with organisational and political leaders who have to manage difficult crisis and transitions, complex situations and dynamics, conflict resolution, cross-cultural and multi-national environments.

Gabriela is passionate to help executives to find out their talents and to influence their teams and organisations, even when this means exploring and identifying personal and organisational limitations.

She lectured on the Organisational Coaching Masters at USAL, and is a visiting professor on the Organisational Studies Masters at the University of San Andrés.

Gabriela is a founder and president of Group Relations Argentina, having run group relations conferences since 2011, based on the work developed at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Gabriela lives and works in Latin America, Europe and Asia, and is based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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