This world-first framework for measuring Just Transitions is already gaining traction in Scotland and beyond.
Explore the story of the Institute with Dr Eliat Aram and Dr Mannie Sher
On being an Orphan | On being 70 and Older | The Eric Miller Memorial Lecture
This oral history toolkit is an accessible guide to the 'sustained relational approach' for those working with people and communities.
75-plus years of learning and practice have been distilled into three accessible and highly readable books by Dr. Mannie Sher and Dr. David Lawlor
Theory of Change is a strategic design tool to foster innovation and impact. Contributions from over 30 leading authors and co-edited by Dr David Drabble.
The 2023 Eurofound report finds that pay, working conditions and quality of life measures are important alongside investment in training plus holistic support for vulnerable groups.
Culture, Gender and Identity in Groups and Organisations, co-authored by contemporary Group Relations thinkers
This book describes this new and expanding paradigm – bringing together the social-technical and the people dimensions for the first time.
Special issue of the Evaluation Journal dedicated to the work of CECAN – the Centre for Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus.
New government handbook on evaluation now includes guidelines on how to handle complexity in policy evaluation.
Six papers reporting the research outcomes from the EmerGent project that looks at social media use in emergencies.