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188 results:

Turning chaos into growth: Lessons from war zones for leaders and organisations

Lunchtime Talk with Yeshim Harris | Wednesday 19 February 2025, 1pm — 2:30pm UTC

Lunchtime Talks
You’ve got the part!’ Wanted and unwanted roles in organisational ethnography

Lunchtime Talk with Dr Peter Shepherd, independent consultant: How the researcher’s identity in situ is shaped and reshaped by expectations and projections | Wednesday 18th March 2025, 1pm — 2.30pm (UTC)

Lunchtime Talks
Securing buy-in from local key stakeholders in GambleAware's harm reduction programme

As Learning and Evaluation Partner, we are working with GambleAware to support an integrated gambling-related harm reduction programme. 

The aim is to better address gaps in identification, prevention, and treatment via nine regional boards. This is the second blog setting out learning so far.

Omved Gardens
The Scottish Government
Chantelle Larsen

Creative Digital Futures Lab partner

Artificial Intelligence consulting services: design your future with our Creative Digital Futures Lab

The Creative Digital Futures Lab brings together innovative creative practice with deep technical expertise in Human and AI systems integration.

The Culture Explorers: case studies from consultant and organisational psychologist Milda Autukaite

Our consultants at TIHR work with organisational culture to shift entrenched habits and set the scene for success

Strengthening local networks to reduce gambling-related harm

This learning and evaluation programme with GambleAware will promote partnerships and collaboration between national, local and regional stakeholders.

Culture change with TIHR: consulting services

Working with the unseen and the slippery: leveraging organisational culture to enable commercial success

The Trilogy Matrix Event, with Richard Morgan-Jones

Developing field theory for consulting in organisations, and group relations

A ‘Food for Thought’ Lunchtime Talk

Lunchtime Talks
The Systems Psychodynamics trilogy

75-plus years of learning and practice have been distilled into three accessible and highly readable books by Dr. Mannie Sher and Dr. David Lawlor

Consulting: Leadership development in an integrated care system

Guiding change with health and social care leaders in the UK

What is Social Dreaming?

Social Dreaming is a practice of sharing and working with dreams within a social space

Book Launch: ‘Systems Psychodynamics’

Join us to celebrate the launch of all three volumes in the Systems Psychodynamics series.

Book launch
Everyday life, policy and research: older people and social exclusion

Dr Philip Corran explores the challenges of balancing everyday life and policy when it comes to ageing, disability and social exclusion.

Lunchtime Talks
Global socio-technical systems perspectives

The development of compassionate work and organisation design

Lunchtime Talks
Dr. Steven H. Cady
Book Launch: ‘An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics’

David Lawlor and Mannie Sher speak on systems psychodynamics theory and its application to organisational consultancy as part of this book launch of An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics

Lunchtime Talks
The Future of Humanity Report

— a mashup of indices and qualitative analysis of reports. A talk by Professor Steven H. Cady.

Lunchtime Talks
Consultants: are our ethics for real or just skin deep?...

Being a consultant means helping the client. How open are we to when we are not?

Lunchtime Talks
Boosting Human Capital for the 21st century

The Tavistock Institute team talk about a project designed to help low-skilled jobseekers train for future employment.

Lunchtime Talks
An Ancient Greek Philosophy of Management Consulting

How we can introduce useful novelty into our thinking about management consulting?

Lunchtime Talks
A tale of little numbers affecting big numbers

A CEO asked, how can we encourage integrated working across international boundaries, help competing groups be more outward-focused, and improve business sense?

Bespoke Programme in Advancing Practice in Unconscious Processes

This bespoke leadership programme was created for NHS Directors in the Midlands, UK

ConnectedLives Leadership Programme

‘We need to change the way we do things’ Hertfordshire adult care services told us back in 2019.

“Feminist Co-production”: New insights from the WGI
A new briefing from the Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) is now available
Join us at our PD Open Evening!
Wondering what’s next for your continuing professional development?
Reducing waste, costs and risk

How we achieved ISO14001 – the international environment standard.

Podcast: "We have to stay with the trouble"

Dr Eliat Aram and Dr Simon Western discuss sustainability, the environment, urban development, and creative working around how the future is being shaped.

'In Their Words'

Green light for the 'PARCS Grows Everybody' Rape Crisis oral history project, exploring the legacy of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

Where she was to where she is now: an animation celebrating the Women and Girls Initiative

The WGI film (2022), made by Leeds Animation Workshop with women and girls working with and supported by WGI funded projects.

Lived Experience in the sector: How do we better enable a ‘We’?

Lisa Ward presents a webinar, recorded in April 2022, considering the role of lived experience in the women and girls’ sector, drawing on research with the Rape Crisis Network, ending with some practice recommendations.

Economic Abuse, it’s policy and practice implications

Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs presents a webinar, considering the evidence, policy and practice implications around economic abuse, recorded in March 2022.

Sanctuary and freedom: the transformational power of spaces for women and girls

Transforming the lives of women and girls by creating the right physical and emotional spaces - a new evidence briefing. 

Join us at a P3C open evening!
You are invited to attend an Open Evening this Wednesday on Zoom to find out more...
Welcoming Dr John Curran
An anthropological lens on P3C. We are delighted that Dr John Curran is joining the Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change (P3C) faculty for 2022.
For the digital age — an Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics

This book describes this new and expanding paradigm – bringing together the social-technical and the people dimensions for the first time. 

Preventing another serial killer?

A briefing demonstrating how women’s support services can help stop perpetrators in their tracks.

We’re on the move! - a new space for the Institute
Redefining, reshaping and reinventing the work space
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change (P3C)
An invitation to grow your unknowingness
Organisational Consultancy: Working with the Dynamics
Are you looking for advanced help with your complex consultative projects?
WGI Synthesis Report #2: 'Learning from a turbulent time'
Professional Development Opportunities
Find out what’s happening in 2021…
Advanced consultancy skills in Systems Psychodynamics
Organisational Consultancy: Working with dynamics 2021
Rediscovering Harold Bridger
His Life, Work and Legacy
“Cases, cases, cases”
Organisational Consultancy: Working with dynamics 2021
Two new briefings from the Women and Girls Initiative
Two briefings - on residential services and work with young women and girls – are now available.
Responding to and learning from changes during Covid-19

The fifth and final blog from the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic sharing learning on the sector’s strengths and challenges experienced over this time, as well as some of the desires and concerns for the future expressed by project staff.

Supporting staff in the women and girls’ sector

This blog reflects on what some WGI projects were doing to increase support for staff and volunteer wellbeing during the unprecedented early days of COVID-19. It includes guidance, tools and links to a webinar on the subject.

Continuing to learn from the Women and Girls Initiative
Three more briefings are now available from the WGI Learning and impact services.
Christ Church Business School

A new Memorandum of Understanding formalising our partnership.

A woman’s place is in the (on-line) world?

This blog from June 2020 considers some of the benefits and disadvantages of technology for women and girls, as online communication became the ‘new normal’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Virtual support and vulnerability in the women and girls sector

This blog shared how projects were adapting to lockdown restrictions in the early days of COVID-19, providing online, remote and socially distanced support to women and girls who were facing some of the greatest negative impacts of the pandemic.

WGI Synthesis Report #1: 'The Women and Girls Initiative'
Covid-19 and the Women and Girls Initiative

The first of 5 blogs about COVID-19, which shared some of the achievements of projects as they quickly and effectively mobilised to support women despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.

A Safer Pair of Hands: BME and specialist Violence Against Women and Girls work

A new insights briefing from the Women and Girls Initiative.

The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives
Cory Pearce. E. and Scott J., (2020).  'The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives' in  Teaching Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 10-24.
Professional Development Round-up
Read about some of our professional development programmes and the great early bird discounts available...
Whatever happens…
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy & Change
Why Work with Young Women and Girls Matters: An insights briefing

A briefing designed to support those providing services for young women and girls.

Introjective identification: the consultant’s instrument or nemesis?
Mannie Sher delivers the 2019 OPUS Eric Miller Memorial Lecture.
Questions you may be asking yourself
Organisational Consultancy: Working with the Dynamics
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy & Change
How is it practical and useful?
Launch - Organisational Consultancy: Working with Dynamics 2020
Applications are now open for this programme.
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting & Change
We are now inviting applications for the next cohort.
Influencing Commissioners – new guide published
A resource for projects funded through the National Lottery Community Fund’s Women and Girls Initiative.
Learning from Veterans
Reflecting on a recent feasibility study for the Forces in Mind Trust. Sometimes you learn more from facing challenges than from success. In our latest research report, this was definitely the case....
With memory and desire
The creation of our annual report is a way of capturing “memories” or moments across the year.
The dynamics of small groups and consulting to them
Dr Eliat Aram, talks about the experience of the first module of our new programme, Dynamics of Leading and Following in partnership with TILT, in South Africa. 
Join us in Boston!
Bringing ‘Art at Work’ to the Academy of Management annual meeting.
The Organisational Exploratory Program
The Organisational Exploratory Program is an international project aimed at supporting organisations working to serve important social causes across the world.
Why Women’s Centres Work: An Evidence Briefing

How Women’s Centres can play a key role in meeting the needs of women in their communities?

Art and Organisation at the Institute

The story of our work with arts. Expanding our disciplines and customising practice.

WGI Descriptor Report: 'Diving into the Women and Girls Initiative'
Organisational Consultancy Working with the Dynamics
A Reflective Group for Consultants and Change Agents: Starting on 21st January 2019
The Smell of Human Flesh
A dynamic exploration of consultancy and history – our new Practical Seminar
On not being an academic & representing TIHR at the Academy of Management
‘Tavi-stock-taking’ with Dr Sadie King
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Consultant
Join a Reflective Group for Consultants to understand the dynamic of projected loneliness.
Have we lost the ‘we’?

The first blog written by Professor Liz Kelly, CWASU, London Metropolitan University, for the WGI, in 2018.

Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change
Applications are invited for our P3C modular programme starting in February 2019.
About the Women and Girls Initiative

An introduction to the Women and Girls Initiative Learning and Impact Services.

Organisational Consultancy: Working with the Dynamics
Join a Reflective Consultancy Group for those precious moments of illumination.
Organisational Consultancy: Working with Dynamics
A new Reflective Group for organisational development and change agents.
NEETs in Action

A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.

Women and Girls’ Initiative – Learning and Impact Services
New project announcement...
Do you care?
If you care to, come and join us at P3C...
Changes in the wind for the P3C programme
New Venue… New Format…
Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation
The Tavistock Institute has been commissioned by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to develop and assess an Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation pilot in South Birmingham. We are responsible for running a feasibility study assessing the potential for further roll out of the delivery model on a larger scale...
Lunchtime Talks are back! Fitting Care Navigation into Health Systems
This talk by Camilla Child and David Drabble explores the real stories and transformative effects of care navigators and outlines how a socio-technical systems approach can facilitate successful organisational change.
What is the ‘P’ in P3C?
Deepening consulting practice at the Tavistock Institute.
Conversations from the Archive
A view from the ground - of an organisational consultant
I am celebrating 25 years at the Tavistock Institute this year and even after all this time...
The Application of Tavistock Group Relations - Guliverio Akademija
A new school opens in Lithuania.
Managing Large-Scale Global Organisational Transformation: the role of culture & diversity
A summary of a 2-year assignment to effect leadership and organisational change in a multi-national player. The client is a global pharmaceutical manufacturing…
A simpatico relation: Learning to Change in Italian
A review of the Italian translation of a collection of articles and essays by Jean Neumann.
Redundancy Kills!
What purpose does work serve for individuals and society? Work gives people a secure place in the community. It also allows them to displace narcissistic, aggressive or even erotic drives onto work...
The use of detention as a defence against intolerable social ambivalence towards asylum-seekers
Recording of David Lawlor & Mannie Sher lunchtime talk - 8th March
“It cannot be us; it must be them”
Understanding and working with projective dynamics in the value chain helps to reduce blame, time, waste (inventory) and cost. The second article of the series: “All research is consultancy; all consultancy is research”...
Mining the archives: exploring the potential for new applications of STS thinking and practice
Audio Recording: Exploring the potential for new applications of STS thinking and practice. In this talk Camilla Child looks to the Tavistock archives and takes us briefly through STS history and current practice. She looks at recent work with fresh eyes to see if we can uncover new understandings for future practice.
“Tavistock, we have a problem…..!”

(with apologies to the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight...)

Managing Dualities in Organisational Change Projects
The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in TIHR Archive
This talk explores the proposition that an ‘anthropological thread’ runs through the history of our work as an organisation.
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation’s Archive Lunchtime Talk
Rock and Role
Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change (P3C) - Join us to shape, unfold and deepen your consultancy practice through this dynamic and experiential...
Dialogue and diagrams: what has CAT got to offer organisational consultancy?
Lunchtime Talk: Anne Benson, 15th June 2016....
Graduation Ceremony
Celebrating our 2015-16 Professional Development programmes.
Healing with Words and Ideas: from past, present to future with Mannie Sher
As an advisory group member of the Archive Project, I was stimulated to think of my personal archive and how to make it available to the TIHR Archive process. After discovering some notes I had made in 1989 when I was part of a Board to which Eric Miller had been invited to consult ...
MSc in Leading Organisational & Development in a volatile and complex world
from the Metanoia Institute
Organisational Diagnosis
This is a video of Mannie Sher’s lecture on Organisational Diagnosis to members of the annual group relations conference in China, 2013, organised under the auspices of Oezpa Consulting, Germany.
Training Group Concept
Eliat Aram, CEO of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, talks to Hüseyin özdemir of Oezpa Akademie & Consulting, Germany about the Training Group in the Orglab Group Relations conference 2014 where Eliat was the Director of the Training Group (TG).
Is the Working Hypothesis in the Detail?
I have just finished reading Paura Reverenza Terrore (that can be translated as Fear Reverence Terror). It is a book of “political iconography” (as the subtitle reads) by Carlo Ginzburg, an Italian historian of ideas. The book is a collection of five essays published between 2001 and 2009 and for the first time offered to the Italian reader within one publication...
On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
Lunchtime Talk by Rachel Kelly, 10th February 2016.
P3C Argentina 2016
P3C - A new kind of change practice / consultancy for South America.
Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools
Carneiro, R., Child, C., Cullen, C., Dagienė, V., & Juškevičienė, A. (2015). 'Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools'. Informatics in Education. 14, 2: 199-217.
Fair Share - learning by developing
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is part of Fair Share, an EU-wide free online training platform for fair trade entrepreneurs, employees and volunteers.
The Dehumanization of Consultancy
Why a Certificate in Consultancy and Change in Latin America now?
MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development
from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective.
Report: Review of Mental Health Issues in Immigration Return Centres
A report prepared for Home Office by Dr David Lawlor, Dr Mannie Sher and Dr Milena Stateva. The purpose of the Review was to help the Home Office Immigration Return Centres improve conditions for detainees with mental health issues.
Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change
Izod, Karen & Whittle, Susan Rosina (2014). Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change, London: Karnac Books.
Long term endemic problems or short term necessities?
- highlighting the need for renewal in your practice/being.
The evaluation process: resistance, politics and role
A talk by Giorgia Iacopini, next at TIHR's 'Food for Thought': 24 September 2014.
P3C programme 2015
Applications are invited for our Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change modular programme starting in January 2015.
'Iguana' school trip to Lithuania
Camilla Child, Principal Consultant and Researcher at the Tavistock Institute, recently travelled to Lithuania to help the local research team there explain and launch the IGUANA pilot in schools.
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

'Who are the real insane? Our perceptions of disordered thinking and behaviour as defences against imagination’
In this seminar, Mannie explored the social dimension of mental illness and the role mental illness plays for and on behalf of society. Mannie suggested that all work generates anxiety and that the people involved in the work, from strategists, leaders, managers and front-line staff, create various defenses to manage and cope with that anxiety.
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change
comes to Argentina in 2014.
P3C programme 2013-14
Get your applications in now for our Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change modular programme starting this October.
Inspiring Science Education (ISE)
Inspiring Science Education (ISE) Large Scale Experimentation Scenarios to Mainstream eLearning in Science, Mathematics and Technology in Primary and Secondary Schools. The main aim of the Inspiring Science Education (ISE) project is to support...
Improving School Governance Using an Action Learning Approach (IGUANA)
Escaping old patterns – creating radical change
Invigorate your work with the P3C programme 2013-14.
The Tavistock Group
Abraham, F. (2013). 'The Tavistock Group'. In The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists, eds. Morgen Witzel and Malcolm Warner, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kurt Lewin – 'Constructive Method Rule'
The fourth and final part of Dr Jean Neumann's (TIHR, Sr Fellow in Scholarly Practice) series addressing selected Lewinian principles. Here it is the 'Constructive Method Rule that receives attention.
Convert your learning
Convert your learning at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) into credit for Masters Qualifications with The Open University Business School.
Longitudinal Study: Jewish Secondary Education
A longitudinal study to explore the outcomes and impact of Jewish Secondary Education on the school community and beyond.
Report: 'Tributaries Not Chains': A Policy Position Paper for LACORS
A study TIHR has carried out with LACORS to help it think about what more it can do to support and drive improvement in local regulatory services, as part of the wider local government improvement agenda.
Report: The Fourth Option - Traditional Values in a Modern Setting?
A policy review for Fourth Option Special Interest Group (FOSIG) of the Local Government Association.
Effecting Organisational Change in Large Complex Systems: A Collaborative Consultancy Approach
Consulting to Organisational Implications of Technical Change
The Dynamics of Change: Tavistock Approaches to Improving Social Systems
Local Authorities Coordination of Regulatory Services (LACORS)
FOSIG (Fourth Option Special Interest Group)
European Central Bank (ECB)
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary
Major Police Authority
Health Authority
Gloucestershire Local Government Association
Durham District Councils
ABSA Bank South Africa
Department of Communites and Local Government (DCLG)
Children’s Commissioner for Wales (Child Welfare & Care)
The Fourth Option: Traditional Values in a Modern Setting
The Fourth Option Special Interest Group (FOSIG) represents the interests of a group of district councils who opted for a streamlined committee system as opposed to a mayor/leader cabinet (executive) arrangement in the reorganisation of local government after the 2000 Local Government Act.
Small Towns & Villages Enterprise Initiative in Wales
As an expert review, the Tavistock Institute’s role was defined as bringing together a pool of knowledge, experience and expertise in the evaluation of regional and rural development mechanisms to bear on this review of community regeneration arrangements in Pembrokeshire.
LACORS Regulation for Excellence: an Organisational Review
This project involves the Tavistock Institute working with LACORS to help the organisation to:
Provision of Works and Services Related to the Ongoing Implementation of the ECB Diversity Strategy
The Tavistock Institute consultants and researchers have been engaged by the ECB, a multi-national and multi cultural organisation, to guide and assist its HR Policies and Staff Relation Division with the implementation of its Diversity Strategy.
Police Counselling Service Audit
The Tavistock Institute helped a police service to design an audit process as part of a wider quality assurance programme for the organisation’s Occupational Health service.
Organisational Change for Citizen-Centric E-Government
The study aimed to make significant progress in understanding organisational change aspects of eGovernment and produced concrete conclusions and tools for policy makers and practitioners.
LAAs, LSPs and Behaviour Change
The priorities being agreed between councils, local partners and central government in local area agreements point to the fact that influencing people’s behaviour is an increasingly important aspect of local council’s aspirations.
Impact Assessment of the Performance Partnership
The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned the Tavistock Institute and the Local Government Centre, Warwick Business School, to undertake an impact assessment of the Performance Partnership Central Bodies on local government improvement.
Community Resource Pack
The Community Conflict Resource pack was commissioned as part of wider neighbourhood renewal and community cohesion policies.
Can Organisations Learn from Experience?
Set against the changes of the NHS in the 1990’s, management at all levels were anxious and exhausted. Over a period of five years, a Health Authority in the Home Counties went through seven mergers.
A Voice of the Public on Health Issues
TIHR consultants devised an extended organisational development intervention that helped managers and staff to develop new roles for senior and middle managers and staff consistent with achieving their business goals and supporting the new organisational plan being implemented.
Review of Strategic Partnership Working in Gloucestershire
A review which was facilitated by TIHR focused as much on the underlying dynamics of partnership as on structures.
A Management Development Consultancy at a National Children's Agency
The aims of the Tavistock Institute’s work with this client were to help managers in the senior management team at the agency to develop roles for senior and middle managers consistent...
A Leadership Development Programme for a Bank's Business Heads
The bank had lost elements of it business focus as the current business model had had the effect of turning the 34 businesses into self-contained 'silos'.
Engaging Democracy: A Fresh Approach to Local Governance in County Durham
This project involves the development of a clear and realistic strategy for the introduction of a more devolved and engaged form of local governance across a county.
Kurt Lewin - 'Contemporaneity' Rule
In the third-part of our continuing series that addresses selected Lewinian principles, Dr Jean Neumann (TIHR, Sr Fellow in Scholarly Practice) turns her attention to Kurt Lewin’s ‘Contemporaneity’ Rule.
The Dynamics of Political Mentoring and Coaching
Reporting back from a seminar addressing political mentoring and coaching...
Eco-Leadership, new skills for organisational success and sustainability
Learning about an Eco-Leadership approach – what are the challenges, what are the organisational and societal impacts? Dr Simon Western talks about an Eco-Leadership approach during a TIHR lunchtime talk.
A Finnish experience
Bringing TIHR methodology, complexity theory, art and aesthetics to intervention design.
The return of the artisan': Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change
HSBC, in its June edition of Business Matters writes about the return of the artisan, in the creation of unique products and services, delivered through micro-businesses in niche market positions.
Kurt Lewin - 'Field Theory Rule'
Presented here is part-two in Dr Jean Neumann’s (TIHR Sr Fellow in Scholarly Practice) series of articles summarising selected Lewinian principles. Each article demonstrates Kurt Lewin’s continuing relevance today by using examples from both the archive and from more recent projects. This second instalment in the series addresses Lewin’s ‘field theory rule’.
Kurt Lewin - 'Dynamic Approach Rule'
First part of Dr Jean Neumann's four-part series summarising selected Lewinian principles. Each article demonstrates Kurt Lewin’s continuing relevance today by using examples from both the archive and from more recent projects.
Comparing TIHR and NTL Founding Traditions
In 2017, both the TIHR and NTL celebrated 70th anniversaries; Dr Jean E. Neumann used the occasion to provide a snapshot history and comparison of these two founding traditions in this talk.
Extracting meaning from experiential learning
A staff member's tale of two unfamiliar landscapes- Israel and a group relations conference.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

Creative Digital Futures Lab

The Creative Digital Futures Lab works with people who are asking: what does it mean to exist in relation to machines?


How we are responding to the climate emergency

The Women & Girls Initiative

The National Lottery Community Fund has engaged the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, DMSS and CWASU (the partners), to support the Women and Girls Initiative (WGI). The partners will support the Fund’s WGI grant holders to capture and share learning, develop a community of networked services that is stronger and has greater influence.

The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.

Exploring Concepts of Difference

Reimagining diversity and inclusion

Tavistock theoretical frameworks and methods

Our research. consulting and professional development services are grounded in a rich theoretical framework and we specialise in applying participative and creative methods

In the news

Sharing our work

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity