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54 results:

Representing & Being Represented: Studying the Dynamics of Role & Authority

Fall 2024 Group Relations Conference | Teachers College, Columbia University, NY | 22 — 24 November, 2024

Deploying Personal Authority in Exercising Leadership

January 5-10, 2025 | Mumbai, India | The Fifteenth Group Relations Conference offered by Group Relations India

Transforming leadership through coaching

Explore our Executive Coaching Practice

Chantelle Larsen

Creative Digital Futures Lab partner

Group relations conference in Dubai: Authority and leadership

Exploring below the surface: from isolation to connection.

The first international face-to-face Group Relations conference in Dubai, UAE.

17 — 20 October, 2024

Artificial Intelligence consulting services: design your future with our Creative Digital Futures Lab

The Creative Digital Futures Lab brings together innovative creative practice with deep technical expertise in Human and AI systems integration.

Exploring leadership, authority and identity in times of shifting boundaries and spaces

The 13th Group Relations Conference in Lithuania will take place on 23rd — 27th August 2024, with Lithuanian Group Relations Society, Vilnius University and TIHR

LEADERSHIP AUTHORITY ROLE Exploring Organizational and Personal Transformation

This Group Relations Conference will take place at The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, 17 — 19 October 2024, and is convened by Caribbean Group Relations Consulting,

Leading from the screen: the visible and invisible in remote working

This is a practice-based, professional development training programme with an international staff team. From the University of Essex on 18, 19, 20, 26 July 2024

Culture change with TIHR: consulting services

Working with the unseen and the slippery: leveraging organisational culture to enable commercial success

Dreams, creativity and hope in a polarised world

New Group Relations Conference in London, 22 — 24 July 2024 with the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust

The Self-Imposed Atrocity of Climate Change: The Human Factor

Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities invites you to participate in this 2024 Experiential Conference. 

2 — 6 September 2024, online

The fortnight that changed everything

Arriving at my first Leicester Conference, by Jean Cooper

Exploring Irrationality in self and organization

This is an experiential working conference for International Psychoanalytic Association psychoanalysts. May 24 — 27 2024 in Greece

ALI 2024: Paradoxes of Citizenship

A residential Group Relations Conference in Crotone, Italy, 14-17 March 2024, with Il Nodo Group

Ancestral meaning systems, leadership and authority

An online Group Relations Conference, 11-13 April 2024, organised by Society of Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA)

Between Worlds

The Spirit of Leadership

Leicester Conference 2024

Welcome to the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the home of experiential learning and the place to engage with what it means to be human

Christ Church Business School

A new Memorandum of Understanding formalising our partnership.

The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives
Cory Pearce. E. and Scott J., (2020).  'The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives' in  Teaching Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 10-24.
The Experience of Being 70 or Over
Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities

Understanding the part that the community has to play in increasing resilience to recover and adapt following natural disasters.

Psychodynamics of Practitioner - Patient Relationships in the Manual Therapies
Understanding the dynamics of the practitioner-patient relationship in the manual therapies can improve treatment outcomes. In a series of video interviews...
1, 2, 3… Groups
The dynamics of small groups and consulting to them
Dr Eliat Aram, talks about the experience of the first module of our new programme, Dynamics of Leading and Following in partnership with TILT, in South Africa. 
The Wellbeing Project
The Organisational Exploratory Program
The Organisational Exploratory Program is an international project aimed at supporting organisations working to serve important social causes across the world.
Why evaluation capacity development matters: the British Council approach

Defining critical factors for the success of any evaluation capacity training.

Leadership Backstage: an interview with Dr Eliat Aram
Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth recently interviewed Dr Eliat Aram, CEO of the Tavistock Institute, in her exciting new podcast series Leadership Backstage.
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in China
Extending Tavistock values, philosophy and practice into new environments.
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Evaluation of Fixperts
Fixperts is social innovation project/ campaign that aims to encourage design students, design professional and members of the public to engage in fixing and making in collaboration with members of the public who have a problem or need that is amenable to a design solution.
Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change
The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) have created the Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
Three Contemporary Challenges for OD Practitioners
The Tavistock Institute Contribution to Job and Organisational Design (Volumes 1 & 2)
When Technological Innovation is Not Enough. Understanding the take up of Energy Technology
Organisationsentwicklung: Stand der entwicklung und perspektiven
Educating Prospective Managers in the Complexity of Organisational Life: Teaching and Learning from a Complexity Perspective
User Perspectives
ABSA Bank South Africa
A Leadership Development Programme for a Bank's Business Heads
The bank had lost elements of it business focus as the current business model had had the effect of turning the 34 businesses into self-contained 'silos'.
Complexity: Going Deeper
At a recent ‘lunchtime talk’ session, Eliat Aram, the Institute’s CEO attempted a second ‘bite’ into Complexity theory, this time introducing Staff and Guests to the ‘complex responsive processes of relating’ perspective developed by Prof. Stacey, Prof. Shaw and Prof. Griffin.
Kurt Lewin - 'Contemporaneity' Rule
In the third-part of our continuing series that addresses selected Lewinian principles, Dr Jean Neumann (TIHR, Sr Fellow in Scholarly Practice) turns her attention to Kurt Lewin’s ‘Contemporaneity’ Rule.
A Group Relations approach to the socio ecological dilemmas in the Peruvian Amazons
A Group Relations approach to the socio ecological dilemmas in the Peruvian Amazons: An invitation to learn from the experience of leadership, accountability and love in order to promote a spirit of enquiry for a sustainable transformation in the Amazons’.
Theory of Change in action
We were delighted when Helène Clark was able to join one of our lunchtime talk series while on a brief visit to the UK. Helene is a leader in Theory of Change development and facilitation, founder of ActKnowledge and of Theory of Change Online.
An Introduction to Complexity Theory
As part of the highly successful lunchtime talk series, the contemporary Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) food-for-thought programme, Eliat Aram, the Institute’s CEO introduced staff and guests to some key concepts and philosophical underpinning of Complexity theory and its implications to understanding organisational praxis.
Eco-Leadership, new skills for organisational success and sustainability
Learning about an Eco-Leadership approach – what are the challenges, what are the organisational and societal impacts? Dr Simon Western talks about an Eco-Leadership approach during a TIHR lunchtime talk.
Kurt Lewin - 'Field Theory Rule'
Presented here is part-two in Dr Jean Neumann’s (TIHR Sr Fellow in Scholarly Practice) series of articles summarising selected Lewinian principles. Each article demonstrates Kurt Lewin’s continuing relevance today by using examples from both the archive and from more recent projects. This second instalment in the series addresses Lewin’s ‘field theory rule’.
Kurt Lewin - 'Dynamic Approach Rule'
First part of Dr Jean Neumann's four-part series summarising selected Lewinian principles. Each article demonstrates Kurt Lewin’s continuing relevance today by using examples from both the archive and from more recent projects.
‘The Aesthetics of Group Relations’
The Institute’s CEO, Eliat Aram, gave a key note address at the AK Rice symposium in Chicago, Illinois in October 2010. Eliat's paper, entitled: 'The Aesthetics of Group Relations – Design, leadership and the art of learning in contemporary GR thinking and practice' can be read and heard here.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

The Group Relations Programme

Group Relations Conferences in partnership with the Tavistock Institute

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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