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67 results:

Strengthening local networks to reduce gambling-related harm, with GambleAware

Read about our work with GambleAware to support local partnerships to reduce gambling related harm

Digital Exclusion Among At-Risk Groups in Limerick

Limerick is the first Smart City in Ireland. Committing to reducing digital exclusion by addressing knowledge gaps.

Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities

Understanding the part that the community has to play in increasing resilience to recover and adapt following natural disasters.

Enlightening human talents

The project aims to contribute to the development of efficient pre-training and vocational training services for low-skilled people in the 2 Seas region

An aspirational training project for the 21st Century
An action research project to train low-skilled school-leavers, without prospects, for employment.
Promoting wellbeing for social change makers
Through an international partnership, we are helping to promote social change-makers’ wellbeing.
Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT)
Realising Ambition process evaluation
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Realising Ambition programme is a UK-wide initiative that has invested £25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Evaluation of Connect Hackney: Ageing Better

A co-produced evaluation working with volunteer Community Researchers.

Evaluation of Tower Hamlets’ Supportive Families and Empowered Communities Parenting Practitioner Training & Support Project
The project focussed on the evaluation of a Prevent training programme for parenting practitioners and other professional working with children in Tower Hamlets.
Impact Evaluation - Project Oracle: children & youth evidence hub for London
Following a process evaluation in 2013, Project Oracle commissioned the Tavistock Institute to carry out an impact evaluation with specific reference to a cohort of arts organisations.
London Borough of Havering
Evaluating Havering’s Children in Care Council
The London Borough of Havering partnered with the TIHR to evaluate their children in care council.
Family Separation & Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute & JRF launch the fourth briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Smart Metering Early Learning Project
Synthesis report published.
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
London Borough of Hounslow
StepUp! Hounslow Youth
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) recently completed the evaluation of StepUp! Hounslow Youth, commissioned by Hounslow Council. StepUp! Hounslow Youth is part of a programme of work undertaken in Hounslow which seeks to develop community inclusion and resilience amongst its many communities. It also relates to a more specific strand of work related to preventing violent extremism, which the TIHR has extensively worked on.
Report: Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
TIHR secured funding from the Local Government Association, the Improvement and Development Agency and the Cabinet Office for a project on innovation in public services.
Report: New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots
TIHR evaluation team was commissioned to undertake an evaluation alongside the New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots.
Report: Evaluation Of Wales Co-Operative Centre
This is the draft final report of the evaluation of Wales Co-operative Centre (WCC) Services and organisational review undertaken between March and October 2003.
Report: Evaluation of the Community Regeneration Toolkit
The aim of the Community Regeneration Toolkit is to provide support for community groups to develop local partnerships and implement strategies and action plans that promoted the economic development of their community.
Report: Learning from Domestic Violence Partnerships
This is the final report of work undertaken by TIHR on domestic violence partnerships on behalf of the Local Government Association (LGA).
Report: 'Tributaries Not Chains': A Policy Position Paper for LACORS
A study TIHR has carried out with LACORS to help it think about what more it can do to support and drive improvement in local regulatory services, as part of the wider local government improvement agenda.
Report: All Our Futures: The Challenges for Local Governance
A review commissioned by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister from TIHR, Local Government Information Unit and Solon Consultants.
Report: Measuring Public Value 2: Practical Approaches
Building on existing academic and policy work around public value, The Work Foundation’s project aims to help policymakers, public managers and institutions understand the concept of public value and see how it can be applied in practice
Report: A Methodological Paper to Inform the Future Evaluation of CLG-funded Local Authority Preventing Violent Extremism Work
This report is a methodology paper to inform the future national evaluation of CLG funded Local Authority-led PREVENT activities.
Report: Guide to Logic Mapping
Commissioned by the Department for Transport, this step to step guide as been developed as an aid to the evaluation of transport interventions and as a practical resource to accompany the 'Guidance for Transport Impact Evaluations'.
Report: New Guidance for Evaluation in the Transport Sector
TIHR in partnership with AECOM, were commissioned by the Department for Transport to develop a set of guidance for those commissioning and undertaking impact evaluations in the transport sector.
Report: Evaluation strategies for community-level health projects: a review of best practice
This report provides an overview of the best evaluation strategies for community-level health interventions. It was the key output from a review commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) which sought to..
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Symbia Healthy Start
National Assembly for Wales
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Local Government Association
Local Authorities Coordination of Regulatory Services (LACORS)
FOSIG (Fourth Option Special Interest Group)
Health Authority
Gloucestershire Local Government Association
Durham District Councils
Brighton and Hove City Council
Department of Communites and Local Government (DCLG)
The Fourth Option: Traditional Values in a Modern Setting
The Fourth Option Special Interest Group (FOSIG) represents the interests of a group of district councils who opted for a streamlined committee system as opposed to a mayor/leader cabinet (executive) arrangement in the reorganisation of local government after the 2000 Local Government Act.
Small Towns & Villages Enterprise Initiative in Wales
As an expert review, the Tavistock Institute’s role was defined as bringing together a pool of knowledge, experience and expertise in the evaluation of regional and rural development mechanisms to bear on this review of community regeneration arrangements in Pembrokeshire.
LACORS Regulation for Excellence: an Organisational Review
This project involves the Tavistock Institute working with LACORS to help the organisation to:
Longitudinal Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Young People’s Substance Misuse Service Provision in Tower Hamlets
An evaluation with five main aims.
LAAs, LSPs and Behaviour Change
The priorities being agreed between councils, local partners and central government in local area agreements point to the fact that influencing people’s behaviour is an increasingly important aspect of local council’s aspirations.
Impact Assessment of the Performance Partnership
The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned the Tavistock Institute and the Local Government Centre, Warwick Business School, to undertake an impact assessment of the Performance Partnership Central Bodies on local government improvement.
Evaluation Of Wales Co-Operative Centre
An organisational review and evaluation of services for the Wales Co-operative Centre, a third sector organisation sponsored by the Welsh TUC was undertaken during 2002-3.
Evaluation of Tower Hamlets Prevent Projects
In 2010, TIHR was commissioned by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to carry out an evaluation of the local Prevent projects funded between 2008 and 2011. This work builds on our earlier Prevent-evaluation activities in this field...
Evaluation of the Community Regeneration Toolkit
The Tavistock Institute was commissioned by the WDA to evaluate the community regeneration toolkit over three years.
Evaluation of a Healthy Start
The Tavistock Institute worked in partnership with Symbia management consultants to evaluate phase 1 of Healthy Start, a Department of Health scheme which has replaced the Welfare Food Scheme in the Phase 1 area (Devon and Cornwall).
Evaluating PREVENT Projects and Programmes: Guidelines for Local Authorities and their Partners
TIHR was commissioned by Communities and Local Government (CLG) to develop a set of guidelines on how local authorities can evaluate their local preventing violent extremism (PREVENT) projects and programmes.
Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
The aim of the project was to review the literature on innovation to identify lessons for the encouragement and replication of innovation in public services and to scope an action research approach to apply the lessons of the review to a number of current challenging policy areas.
Local Domestic Abuse Partnerships
This research builds on long-standing streams of research at the Institute into partnership issues at a number of different levels, including: interdisciplinary and inter-organisational working; developing partnership working; partnership delivery in local cross-sectoral settings; and the role of partnership coordinators in a range of initiatives.
Development of Guidance on Better Attribution in Transport Impact Evaluations
This project emerged from The Department of Transport’s need to increase the number and quality of transport evaluations. To do this, a better understanding of how to attribute impacts to transport polices and schemes was required.
Developing Partnership Working for Behaviour Change: Preventing Risky Behaviours in Brighton and Hove’s Young People
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) and Local Government Improvement and Development (LGID) worked together with Brighton and Hove City Council to explore how public services working better in partnership could help to prevent risky behaviour taking by young people.
Can Organisations Learn from Experience?
Set against the changes of the NHS in the 1990’s, management at all levels were anxious and exhausted. Over a period of five years, a Health Authority in the Home Counties went through seven mergers.
A Think-Piece on Measurement of Public Value
The paper is part of a larger project that seeks to examine a number of different aspects of the concept of public value and how public value can be applied in practice.
Review of Strategic Partnership Working in Gloucestershire
A review which was facilitated by TIHR focused as much on the underlying dynamics of partnership as on structures.
A Peer Review of the Prevent Programme
During 2010-11 TIHR worked with Tower Hamlets Council, Lancashire Prevent Forum and Local Government Improvement and Development (now part of the Local Government Group) to create and facilitate a Prevent Peer Evaluation process...
Engaging Democracy: A Fresh Approach to Local Governance in County Durham
This project involves the development of a clear and realistic strategy for the introduction of a more devolved and engaged form of local governance across a county.
Action research as a methodology that brings together value-based and evidence based approaches
The leader of the TIHR Trauma Stream of work, Dr Milena Stateva recently presented an argument on the potential of action research to bring together evidence-based and value-based approaches to practice enhancement and policy making.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.


How we are responding to the climate emergency

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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