Focus Types
104 results:
This evaluation explores the Samaritans Online Chat service pilot, to determine how well it meets the needs of children and young people.
Bring your children to these arts and crafts sessions at Aspex Portsmouth.
Reflections from TIHR researchers on evaluating the Adoption Support Fund 2015-2017.
David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.
Allison Metz joined us recently to speak about the role of trust and psychological safety in the use of evidence.
Unraveling the collusive dynamic of the shared unconscious belief that low skilled individuals are beyond hope.
The fifth and final blog from the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic sharing learning on the sector’s strengths and challenges experienced over this time, as well as some of the desires and concerns for the future expressed by project staff.
Here at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we have adapted to work alongside the pandemic as opposed to against it.
Understanding how local areas can improve their systems for identifying and responding to families and children affected by alcohol dependency and parental conflict
#3 — At the breakfast table he is approached by someone he argued with 34 years ago...
A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.
We worked with the Money Advice Service (now known as MoneyHelper) to develop strategic Theories of Change and an Outcomes Framework for the Financial Capability Strategy.
We led the evaluation of the national roll-out of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) between 2015- 2018.
Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.
The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.
We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.