

Focus Types

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Future of work
Gender & diversity
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Thought pieces

82 results:

Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service: a collective story

Using oral history and creative techniques, we explored the impact of the Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

The History Safe toolkit: an oral history resource

This oral history toolkit is an accessible guide to the 'sustained relational approach' for those working with people and communities.

Podcast: PARCS Grows Everybody

Listen to this podcast by the Young Feminist Collective

Clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories

Listen to these clips from the PARCS Grows Everybody Oral Histories via Soundcloud.

Portsmouth Rape Crisis: A Collective Story

Telling the story of the PARCS Grows Everybody project.

The PARCS Grows Everybody Documentary Film

Watch the PARCS Grows Everybody documentary film here.

The Young Feminist Collective
Accessing Archives workshops

Discover the PARCS Grows Everybody oral history archive through these workshops.

PARCS History Safe Workshop

Explore learnings from the PARCS Grows Everybody project, and how to apply them to future projects.

PARCS Grows Everybody

Experience learnings from the PARCS Grows Everybody oral history project through this open-access, multimedia exhibition.

Learning from The Women and Girls Initiative: Final Impact Report

A page hosting our full report, with executive summary and appendices. The report tells the WGI story and shares key learning and messages

Learning from women and girls

Key insights from the five year Women and Girls Initiative

Ethical consultancy: placing equality, diversity and inclusion at the heart of practice

Join us for this online Lunchtime Talk by Sini Rinne-Kerridge exploring ethical consultancy

Lunchtime Talks
Towards gender equality in innovation

Building a gender inclusive innovation culture

Female Genital Cutting, human rights and religious freedom

This talk looked at issues of negotiating independence and the politics of knowledge production in the case of Female Genital Cutting.

Lunchtime Talks
Learning from Women and Girls, a Lunchtime Talk

The story and learnings from the Women and Girls Initiative

Lunchtime Talks
“Feminist Co-production”: New insights from the WGI
A new briefing from the Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) is now available
'In Their Words'

Green light for the 'PARCS Grows Everybody' Rape Crisis oral history project, exploring the legacy of Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service.

Where she was to where she is now: an animation celebrating the Women and Girls Initiative

The WGI film (2022), made by Leeds Animation Workshop with women and girls working with and supported by WGI funded projects.

Lived Experience in the sector: How do we better enable a ‘We’?

Lisa Ward presents a webinar, recorded in April 2022, considering the role of lived experience in the women and girls’ sector, drawing on research with the Rape Crisis Network, ending with some practice recommendations.

Economic Abuse, it’s policy and practice implications

Dr Nicola Sharp-Jeffs presents a webinar, considering the evidence, policy and practice implications around economic abuse, recorded in March 2022.

Sanctuary and freedom: the transformational power of spaces for women and girls

Transforming the lives of women and girls by creating the right physical and emotional spaces - a new evidence briefing. 

Preventing another serial killer?

A briefing demonstrating how women’s support services can help stop perpetrators in their tracks.

WGI Synthesis Report #2: 'Learning from a turbulent time'
Report: Precarious work from a gender and intersectionality perspective, and ways to combat it
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, explores the phenomenon of precarious work in the EU from a gender and intersectionality perspective.
Two new briefings from the Women and Girls Initiative
Two briefings - on residential services and work with young women and girls – are now available.
Responding to and learning from changes during Covid-19

The fifth and final blog from the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic sharing learning on the sector’s strengths and challenges experienced over this time, as well as some of the desires and concerns for the future expressed by project staff.

Supporting staff in the women and girls’ sector

This blog reflects on what some WGI projects were doing to increase support for staff and volunteer wellbeing during the unprecedented early days of COVID-19. It includes guidance, tools and links to a webinar on the subject.

Continuing to learn from the Women and Girls Initiative
Three more briefings are now available from the WGI Learning and impact services.
A woman’s place is in the (on-line) world?

This blog from June 2020 considers some of the benefits and disadvantages of technology for women and girls, as online communication became the ‘new normal’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Virtual support and vulnerability in the women and girls sector

This blog shared how projects were adapting to lockdown restrictions in the early days of COVID-19, providing online, remote and socially distanced support to women and girls who were facing some of the greatest negative impacts of the pandemic.

WGI Synthesis Report #1: 'The Women and Girls Initiative'
Covid-19 and the Women and Girls Initiative

The first of 5 blogs about COVID-19, which shared some of the achievements of projects as they quickly and effectively mobilised to support women despite the challenges presented by the pandemic.

A Safer Pair of Hands: BME and specialist Violence Against Women and Girls work

A new insights briefing from the Women and Girls Initiative.

Why Work with Young Women and Girls Matters: An insights briefing

A briefing designed to support those providing services for young women and girls.

Influencing Commissioners – new guide published
A resource for projects funded through the National Lottery Community Fund’s Women and Girls Initiative.
With memory and desire
The creation of our annual report is a way of capturing “memories” or moments across the year.
Why Women’s Centres Work: An Evidence Briefing

How Women’s Centres can play a key role in meeting the needs of women in their communities?

The Tavistock Institut gGmbH
a new company begins to grow…
WGI Descriptor Report: 'Diving into the Women and Girls Initiative'
Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del-Pozo, E., Escot, L., & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2018) Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain. Revista Española de Sociología RES 27 doi:10.22325/fes/res.2018.3.
What to do with 3,000 to 5,000 million euros?
Equal opportunities is a principle supported by democratic countries and by most people. But, equal opportunities to what exactly?
Have we lost the ‘we’?

The first blog written by Professor Liz Kelly, CWASU, London Metropolitan University, for the WGI, in 2018.

Towards an understanding of the current debates on the Dawoodi Bohra tradition of Female Genital Cutting
A synthesis of key issues.
About the Women and Girls Initiative

An introduction to the Women and Girls Initiative Learning and Impact Services.

It's raining women
Diversity in the Boardroom
Women and Girls’ Initiative – Learning and Impact Services
New project announcement...
Each year women work about two months for free in comparison to men
The average Gender Pay Gap in UK is 20.9%
Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective.
Castellanos Serrano, C. (2016) Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective, Complutense University of Madrid (PhD Thesis) .
European Institute of Gender Equality
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Sweets, Cats and Kitchens: My experience cataloguing the TIHR archive material
On a blue skied Monday in July I made my way to Euston station to join Elena Carter, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation’s (TIHR) archivist, at the Wellcome Trust. This was the first day of my short placement where I was helping to catalogue the remaining registered document series reports (SA/TIH/B/1) before they were released in early September. As an apprentice at the TIHR opportunities come in a variety of places and as a member of the archive project team it seemed appropriate that I would be able to interact with the material and learn more about how the TIHR became what I now know it to be ...
What do we know about Gender Pay Gap?
Most people across Europe recognise the pay gap between women and men is a structural problem.
Gender Pay Gap
Gender inequality is a complex socio-economic phenomenon and the gender pay gap is a clear and persistent impact and indicator of this inequality.
Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review
Castellanos, C., Corlyon, J., Grieve, M., Stock, L., (2014). 'Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review', in Joseph Rowntree Foundation Reducing Poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews, pp. 126-129
Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care?
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Escot, L.,Del-Pozo, E. & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2016) 'Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care? The case of Spain'. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVII(2), pp. 169-191.
Social Dreaming Note #5: Tues 19 July 2016
Parenthood and Poverty: What Works?
Tavistock Institute and JRF launch the second briefing in the series on family poverty and relationships.
Gender Pay Gap
New solutions for an old problem.
What is gender inequality?
Gender equality refers to all women and men having equal opportunities.
International Debate: New Action on Women’s Rights
The parental leave system is a public policy that profoundly influences gender dynamics and gender inequality...
Poverty and relationships: addressing the gender perspective in the parental leave system
Where should the battle against poverty start? What has the parental leave system to do with income and poverty levels?
Shared parental leave to have minimal impact on gender equality
Shared parental leave is very unlikely to impact significantly on fathers, mothers and employers’ behaviours in the UK..
European Anti-Trafficking Day: Better Health Care
Department of Business, Innovation & Skills
Local Government Association
DG Justice, Freedom and Security, European Commission
Enhancing work life balance and gender equality through an EU wide carers' leave measure?
Reconciliation of work and family life is still challenging for women in EU Member states.
Additional paternity leave: 'unlikely to have an impact'
TIHR Researchers reflect on the possible impacts from the Additional Paternity Leave legislation.
Does paternity leave enhance gender equality?
Fathers continue to be underrepresented in take-up of parental leave in EU Member States.
PARCS Grows Everybody

An intergenerational oral history project celebrating the history and legacy of the Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Crisis Service from 1981-2021.


Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

Certificate in Dynamics @ Board Level

A certificated programme comprising 4 × 2-day modules for those sitting on or working with boards.

The Women & Girls Initiative

The National Lottery Community Fund has engaged the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, DMSS and CWASU (the partners), to support the Women and Girls Initiative (WGI). The partners will support the Fund’s WGI grant holders to capture and share learning, develop a community of networked services that is stronger and has greater influence.

The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.


Read about some of the challenges, achievements, opportunities and concerns shared by projects funded through the Women and Girls Initiative.

Thematic briefings

Find out more about learning from the Women and Girls Initiative through briefings co-created with specialist services funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

Promotional briefings

A series of promotional briefings highlighting individual Women and Girls Initiative projects’ achievements and impacts. These were designed to support their communication with stakeholders, and as good practice resources for other projects to use.

Additional resources

Access the WGI film and pre-recorded webinars on workers’ wellbeing, economic abuse and lived experience, from the Women and Girls Initiative.

Exploring Concepts of Difference

Reimagining diversity and inclusion

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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