

Focus Types

Professional Development
Research & evaluation


Central Government
Local Government
Private Sector
Public Sector
Voluntary and Community


Talks & presentations
Staff publications
Thought pieces
Social inclusion
Social innovation
Health & social care
Young people
Children & families
Mental health
Gender & diversity
Education & training
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Group relations
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About us
Future of work

133 results:

Culture change with TIHR: what we offer

Working with the unseen and the slippery: leveraging organisational culture to enable commercial success

Paradox Leadership

How to handle paradoxes and benefit from the inherent conflicts and tensions

Lunchtime Talks
Professional joy: don’t let your dream die with you

Steven H. Cady asks ‘why is it that traditional career paths often fall short of yielding true fulfillment?’

Lunchtime Talks
Leicester Conference 2023 - Q&A Session

Join us for a Q&A session about the upcoming Leicester Conference 2023

Professional development
Between Worlds

The Spirit of Leadership

Psychoanalysis Goes to War (Eventually)

A prehistory of the Tavistock Institute.

Lunchtime Talks
Bespoke Programme in Advancing Practice in Unconscious Processes

Imagine the pressures of working in an NHS Directorate and the associated dynamics.

Leicester Conference 2024

Welcome to the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the home of experiential learning and the place to engage with what it means to be human

Leicester Conference 2023

Welcome to this iteration of the Leicester Conference of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, celebrating 77 years in 2023.

Learning from the Lionesses: England Women’s football team
Coaching for Leadership - Creating a winning team
Join us at our PD Open Evening!
Wondering what’s next for your continuing professional development?
Board Dynamics
How are your boards working with the lived realities involved in boardroom diversity?
Join us at a P3C open evening!
You are invited to attend an Open Evening this Wednesday on Zoom to find out more...
Dynamics @ Board Level…
turning up the temperature.
Welcoming Dr John Curran
An anthropological lens on P3C. We are delighted that Dr John Curran is joining the Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change (P3C) faculty for 2022.
Dreaming of Compassion

Coreene Archer writes in this new book about the desire of a university system to implement compassion across the system...

Coaching for Leadership: Psychodynamic Approaches
Thinking about becoming an executive coach?
The Institute sponsors Spring Learning Intensive
Experiential Leadership Development Program
Dynamics @ Board Level
an online programme for 2021. Applications accepted until 28 May
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change (P3C)
An invitation to grow your unknowingness
Adults in the room
The Boardroom beyond 2021
Danse Macabre & Other Stories
Halina Brunning and Olya Khaleelee - a psychoanalytical perspective on global dynamics
Dynamics @ Board Level
Understanding the complexities and working through the difficulties
Digital Surgeries
Supporting individuals and teams to work remotely through lockdowns and beyond.
New book on the dynamics of boards
Insights about Boards that draw on Tavistock thinking on the dynamics of task, role, authority and power.
Virtual Executive Coaching
Beyond the screen and below the surface.
COVID-19 and the upside of existential dread
New ways of thinking, living and connecting: philosophy, ways of life, and …online courses.
Coaching with Difference
Working with the overlapping layers of identity.
Ever Ready for Business
The Boardroom post Covid-19...
Whatever happens…
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy & Change
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy & Change
How is it practical and useful?
Practitioner Certificate in Consulting & Change
We are now inviting applications for the next cohort.
Are you a leader willing to challenge corruption?
A New Dawn...
Coaching: an Antidote to the Assault on Thinking
If one can bear to read the news these days, it is only to feel further depressed by the sheer inanity and infantility of public discourse.
Leadership and People Management
'Leadership and People Management' is an ongoing professional development collaboration between King's College and TIHR.
Dynamics at Board-Level
Soft skills for effective governance. We were very excited to take part in a Board Dynamics Summit on 1 March run by ICSA The Governance Institute on our speciality subject..
Clear line of sight: Transparency in the Boardroom
What's taking place in the debates around the appointment of the new President of the governing body for soccer FIFA...what does it herald for boards?
Why Donald Trump, now?
Leaders, Archetypes and the Trickster figure as an unconscious agent of change.
Leadership, Authority & Identity
Exploring Desire and Fear in a Divided World.
Change is situational...
sometimes slow, sometimes difficult, but always requiring movement.
The Board as The Family
The Financial Times in London has reported that the Chairmanship of the Tesla Corporation is to go to a member of the Murdoch family.
‘The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction’ William Blake
Anger (and other emotions) in Coaching.
SocialPlaNet: Advancing Social Entrepreneurship Teaching
We are working with Christ Church Business School (CCBS) to introduce SocialPlaNet into Undergraduate programmes.
On not being an academic & representing TIHR at the Academy of Management
‘Tavi-stock-taking’ with Dr Sadie King
The Music of Supervision:
chords, discords and improvisation...
Putin, Trump and Merkel: the war of identities
Supervision and the shape-shifting ‘self’
Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change
Applications are invited for our P3C modular programme starting in February 2019.
The World Cup...
As the World Cup got underway, an interesting and unlikely Twitter spat broke out between the ex-England striker Alan Shearer and the historian Simon Schama.
Brexit (chapter 934)
and Supervision as the art of the impossible.
The Tavistock Institute - 'Highly Commended' in the Festival of Learning 2018 awards
...for exceptional achievements in adult learning.
Poet-in-Residence at APS Conference
Karen Izod reflects on the mutuality of poetry and organisational change in her practice.
For the job of your dreams
Who do you need to be? What millennials regard as essential...
John Stringer (1925-2018)
John Stringer, one of the pioneers of post-war OR, died on 21 January at the impressive age of 92.
Do you care?
If you care to, come and join us at P3C...
The Governors
Beyond Conflict: Achieving Dynamic School Boards
Changes in the wind for the P3C programme
New Venue… New Format…
The Furious Cascade
The challenge of events for coach and client...
What is the ‘P’ in P3C?
Deepening consulting practice at the Tavistock Institute.
Beyond ‘f..k you’ to compassion: a route map for coaches
Human, all too human
TIHR CEO presented Companionship of the British Academy of Management
Dr Eliat Aram’s contributions to the field of Management are recognised...
Conversations from the Archive
A view from the ground - of an organisational consultant
I am celebrating 25 years at the Tavistock Institute this year and even after all this time...
The Application of Tavistock Group Relations - Guliverio Akademija
A new school opens in Lithuania.
'The truth about ourselves....'
Coaching as Self-therapy.
'In space, no one can hear you scream'
A CEO tells her coach: at the top, loneliness is like living in a vacuum…
'All research is consultancy; all consultancy is research'

Introducing the series...

The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in TIHR Archive
This talk explores the proposition that an ‘anthropological thread’ runs through the history of our work as an organisation.
Testing times: What did it take to be a War Officer in WWII?
Why were psychological tests used in WWII for selecting war officers? How does going through the testing...
Donald Trump….and other issues
We appear to be fascinated - or petrified - by Donald Trump...and the task of coaching flawed leaders.
The ‘Anthropological Thread’ in the Tavistock Institute of Human Relation’s Archive Lunchtime Talk
Rock and Role
Practitioner Certificate in Consultancy and Change (P3C) - Join us to shape, unfold and deepen your consultancy practice through this dynamic and experiential...
Brexit, leadership and the limits of rationality
the role of the Coach...
Social Seducement: Serious gaming for social entrepreneurship
During 2014-17 we led a pan-European consortium to develop a serious online role play game to train potential social entrepreneurs. The Social Seducement project aims to...
Reflexive authority:
The crucial role of Supervision. The supervisor is the crucial figure, the Third, the individual who enters the dyad created by coach/consultant & client..
Trusting virtual strangers: Developing trust online in temporary collaborative groups
Podcast. Professor Niki Panteli & David Drabble (TIHR) explore trust as a mechanism for forming functional online groups. Listen here.
Graduation Ceremony
Celebrating our 2015-16 Professional Development programmes.
An opportunity to widen your field
Certificate in Supervision for Coaching & Consultancy.
MSc in Leading Organisational & Development in a volatile and complex world
from the Metanoia Institute
Getting a seat on a Corporate Board
It’s not about your colour or your genitals…?
On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
Lunchtime Talk by Rachel Kelly, 10th February 2016.
Avoiding Boardroom Death
...risky behaviour and the wish to live forever!
Learning and the empowering awareness of precariousness
A journey into archiving the historical contemporary.
P3C Argentina 2016
P3C - A new kind of change practice / consultancy for South America.
Dynamics in your Boardroom
Do the dynamics in your Boardroom get in the way of getting things done?
'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all…?
Certificate in Supervision for Consultancy and Coaching - apply now!
Does love matter? fear and compassion in organisations and leadership
Certificate in Coaching for Leadership 2016
A panoptic vision for interesting times!
The couch at sea!
A new Certificate in Supervision for Coaching & Consultancy.
Shifting Focus: We not me & apples to barrels
Certificate Dynamics at Board Level - Closing date for applications: 18 May
The Dehumanization of Consultancy
Why a Certificate in Consultancy and Change in Latin America now?
MSc in Personal, Team & Organisational Development
from a Systemic, Gestalt & Complexity Perspective.
Fair Share
We are delighted to be part of Fair Share, an EU-wide free online training platform for fair trade entrepreneurs, employees and volunteers.
Storytelling as sense-saviour in an era of information overload
Lunchtime Talk: Yiannis Gabriel, 21 January 2015
Towards Compassionate Leadership
Opening conversations towards compassionate leadership: thoughts offered by Eliat Aram, CEO, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Long term endemic problems or short term necessities?
- highlighting the need for renewal in your practice/being.
Certificate in Coaching for Leadership 2015
Identity: fixed or fluid?
The evaluation process: resistance, politics and role
A talk by Giorgia Iacopini, next at TIHR's 'Food for Thought': 24 September 2014.
Certificate in Coaching for Leadership 2015
Applications are now being invited for our Certificated modular course starting this January.
P3C programme 2015
Applications are invited for our Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change modular programme starting in January 2015.
Vacancy: Finance Manager
We are looking to recruit a Finance Manager.
'Iguana' school trip to Lithuania
Camilla Child, Principal Consultant and Researcher at the Tavistock Institute, recently travelled to Lithuania to help the local research team there explain and launch the IGUANA pilot in schools.
Boardroom Wars?.... Understanding the dynamics
'War Breaks out in Co-op Boardroom' is a recent City AM headline...
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Certificate in Dynamics at Board-Level 2014 – OPEN NOW
Longer, Slower, Deeper: Increasing consultancy effectiveness.
Eliat Aram tells of directing a three-day Group Relations Conference in New York City
Report: Group Relations Conference in Lithuania - Motivation, Resistance & Change in Organisations & Communities
Directors Report: The fourth 5-day non-residential experiential inductive learning group relations conference in Lithuania was jointly sponsored by the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, and by the Group Relations Programme of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, London.
Group Relations Conferences - The Leicester Conference
The upcoming Tavistock Institute's 68th Leicester conference provides a unique context for exploring and developing new leadership skills. Coreene Archer and Mannie Sher explain what you might expect from The Leicester Conference.
P3C: Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change
comes to Argentina in 2014.
Hope of the Amazon: Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Culture
Seeking participants, friends and partner investors to contribute to this project..
P3C programme 2013-14
Get your applications in now for our Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change modular programme starting this October.
Escaping old patterns – creating radical change
Invigorate your work with the P3C programme 2013-14.
Reflective coaching – an antidote to compulsive ‘busy-ness’
Certificate in Coaching 2014 – applications now being invited.
Convert your learning
Convert your learning at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) into credit for Masters Qualifications with The Open University Business School.
Report: Lithuanian Group Relations Conference - Innovation and Authority in Organisations: Director’s Report
Directors Report from the first-ever 5-day non-residential experiential inductive learning programme in Eastern Europe was conducted at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Vilnius, Lithuania
Hidden Complexity
Brissett, L. & Sher, M. (2013). ‘Hidden Complexity’, International Corporate Governance Year Book 2013, International Corporate Governance Network. pp. 70-71.
Leadership in Residential Child Care: Evaluating Qualification Training
(Economic) Sense and Sensibility
Leading Boards'
Presenting the first in a series of TIHR papers on Board Evaluation and Development...
The Dynamics of Political Mentoring and Coaching
Reporting back from a seminar addressing political mentoring and coaching...
Towards a 'good enough' society
Re-reading Winnicott in times of disappearing containers...
The return of the artisan': Practitioner Certificate in Consulting and Change
HSBC, in its June edition of Business Matters writes about the return of the artisan, in the creation of unique products and services, delivered through micro-businesses in niche market positions.
Big Society Consultation
TIHR submits response to the Big Society consultation committee.
Researching the Financial Sector
Inside the Minds of the Money Minders - Deciphering Reflections on Money, Behaviour and Leadership in the Financial Crisis of 2008.
Extracting meaning from experiential learning
A staff member's tale of two unfamiliar landscapes- Israel and a group relations conference.
The Tavistock Institute assists reflection on the banking crisis
David Walker's report: A review of corporate governance in banks and other financial industry entitiesヤ is released today.
New book released: 'Mind-ful Consulting'
In times of uncertainty, when well thought-through strategies become obsolete very quickly, those charged with changing organisations require the internal resources to cope with the unforeseen and the unexpected.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

Certificate in Supervision for Coaching & Consultancy

A hybrid, certificated professional development programme in 3 modules, accredited by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Certificate in Coaching for Leadership: Psychodynamic Approaches

A hybrid, certificated professional development programme in 4 modules, accredited by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.

Certificate in Dynamics @ Board Level

A certificated programme comprising 4 × 2-day modules for those sitting on or working with boards.


How we are responding to the climate emergency

Launching Young Leaders

Finding Authority, Role and Impact – for young people who want to make a difference

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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