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75 results:

High Performance Dynamics and Creativity: launch event for the Creative Digital Futures Lab

Join Professor Eenasul Fateh on Thursday 26th September, 6pm — 8pm

Talks & presentations
Gemma Summers-Green
Towards gender equality in innovation

Building a gender inclusive innovation culture

The Dynamics of Habit and Ritual: Theories from China

Michael Puett’s lunchtime talk offered an exploration of theories of human psychology and group dynamics as they arose in early China and agues that these theoretical understandings have much to offer contemporary practice.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluating a values-based business ecosystem

New business models, systems and practices reversing the decline of the Textiles and Clothing sector and supporting its future sustainability.

Evaluating design enabled innovations

Special session: towards a common impact evaluation methodology

Lunchtime Talks
Applied Anthropology in Organisational Research & Consultancy

Why is anthropology important when understanding organisations?

Lunchtime Talks
Book Launch: ‘An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics’

David Lawlor and Mannie Sher speak on systems psychodynamics theory and its application to organisational consultancy as part of this book launch of An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics

Lunchtime Talks
Impact of Covid-19 on front-line practitioners

Anna Sophie Hahne, Georgie Parry-Crooke and Thomas Spielhofer presented findings from the TIHR Covid-19 research study.

Lunchtime Talks
Boosting Human Capital for the 21st century

The Tavistock Institute team talk about a project designed to help low-skilled jobseekers train for future employment.

Lunchtime Talks
What we learnt from designing and running a Learning Strand during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Grantholder Learning Strand of the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF) evaluation – results and learning. COVID-19 and the associated lockdown disproportionally affected some people and...
What can design do to improve our cities?
Our cities are facing unprecedented socio-economic, environmental and public health challenges.
Breaking down binaries; promoting integrated health
A holistic leadership view for a covid resilient society.
Survey results: Impact of COVID-19
We conducted an international online survey of over 250 professionals and qualitative interviews exploring how the pandemic has impacted them.
Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund

Understanding how local areas can improve their systems for identifying and responding to families and children affected by alcohol dependency and parental conflict

#8 Social Dreaming Matrix during the Covid-19 pandemic. Notes from 28 May
Digital Exclusion Among At-Risk Groups in Limerick

Limerick is the first Smart City in Ireland. Committing to reducing digital exclusion by addressing knowledge gaps.

Medici – Mapping Digital Inclusion

The Medici project is a two-year EU funded project which aims to map digital inclusion best practices across the EU and beyond. It is the only project funded from its stream of work in the EU.

Resilient Europe and Societies by Innovating Local Communities

Understanding the part that the community has to play in increasing resilience to recover and adapt following natural disasters.

Enlightening human talents

The project aims to contribute to the development of efficient pre-training and vocational training services for low-skilled people in the 2 Seas region

Learning from Veterans
Reflecting on a recent feasibility study for the Forces in Mind Trust. Sometimes you learn more from facing challenges than from success. In our latest research report, this was definitely the case....
Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management
Spielhofer, T., Greenlaw, R., Markham, D., & Hahne, A. (2016, December). Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management. In Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany
Reuter, C., Kaufhold, M. A., Spielhofer, T., & Hahne, A. S. (2017). Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 1(2), 1-19.
Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe
Reuter, C., & Spielhofer, T. (2017). Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 121, 168-180.
Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2018b). Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention – Fachmagazin Für Innere Sicherheit, Bevölkerungsschutz Und Katastrophenhilfe, vol. 1, pp. 64–66.
Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2016). Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 95, 96-111.
Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del-Pozo, E., Escot, L., & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2018) Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain. Revista Española de Sociología RES 27 doi:10.22325/fes/res.2018.3.
What can design do to improve our cities?

Promoting and encouraging the take-up of design as an enabler of innovation in the urban environment.  

NEETs in Action

A European research project with the main focus on young people who are NEET.

Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation
The Tavistock Institute has been commissioned by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to develop and assess an Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation pilot in South Birmingham. We are responsible for running a feasibility study assessing the potential for further roll out of the delivery model on a larger scale...
Swim Upstream
The Leicester Conference has provided opportunities to understand the nature of role taking since the 1950s
Report: Using social media in emergencies - survey findings
Summary report from an online survey of UK adults conducted in October 2016.
Evaluation of Health Navigation for Diabetes
Announcing four days in October 2017
Celebrating 70 years of becoming more humane
Leicester Conference 2017
The Global Leadership Intensive
Money Advice Service — Developing Strategic Theories of Change & Outcomes Framework

We worked with the Money Advice Service (now known as MoneyHelper) to develop strategic Theories of Change and an Outcomes Framework for the Financial Capability Strategy.

Realising Ambition process evaluation
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) Realising Ambition programme is a UK-wide initiative that has invested £25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective.
Castellanos Serrano, C. (2016) Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective, Complutense University of Madrid (PhD Thesis) .
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator
Evaluation of the Scale Accelerator programme - this project evaluated the experiences and outcomes for 10 social enterprises and charities who took part in a support programme aimed at helping them to scale-up the delivery of their activities.
Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care?
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Escot, L.,Del-Pozo, E. & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2016) 'Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care? The case of Spain'. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVII(2), pp. 169-191.
Social Seducement: Serious gaming for social entrepreneurship
During 2014-17 we led a pan-European consortium to develop a serious online role play game to train potential social entrepreneurs. The Social Seducement project aims to...
Evaluation of Fixperts
Fixperts is social innovation project/ campaign that aims to encourage design students, design professional and members of the public to engage in fixing and making in collaboration with members of the public who have a problem or need that is amenable to a design solution.
Emergencies in 140 characters – researching social media in emergencies
Thomas Spielhofer, Kerstin Junge, Matt Gieve, Joe Cullen and Dave Drabble talk about their ongoing research project exploring the use and impact of social media in emergencies.
Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change
The Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) and The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) have created the Tavistock Chair in Social Science for Education and Change.
Innovation and participation: NHS England co-design with citizens
Lunchtime Talk: Camilla Child and Leslie Brissett - 15 October 2014
Report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK
The report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK was funded by Cancer Research UK. The report explored ...
Publication of Radiotherapy Report for Cancer Research UK
Read our report 'Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK' ...
Top Quality Visiting Faculty: Board Dynamics
We are pleased to announce a top quality visiting faculty for the Certificate in Dynamics at Board Level 2014.
Tim Dartington to present The Annual Eric Miller Memorial Lecture
'Beyond evidence: tradition, innovation and the renewed capacity to think'
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Evaluation of Shift.ms
Shift.ms is a web-based charity and social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), focussing on the needs of younger people with MS and those recently diagnosed with the condition. The website launched in 2009 and now has over 5000 members.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
EmerGent: Impact of Social Media in Emergencies
EmerGent is a European research project that examines the role played by current mainstream social media in emergencies and assesses their impact.
Replication Process Evaluation: How to Replicate Interventions which Stop Youth Offending
The Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) ‘Realising Ambition‘ programme is a UK-wide initiative that is investing 25 million in outstanding projects that have proven their effectiveness in helping young people fulfil their potential and avoid the pathways into offending.
Tavistock Institute in academic exchange with Vilnius University, Lithuania
Mannie Sher teaches and consults in Lithuania under the Erasmus programme of the EU.
Report: Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
TIHR secured funding from the Local Government Association, the Improvement and Development Agency and the Cabinet Office for a project on innovation in public services.
Report: Measuring Public Value 2: Practical Approaches
Building on existing academic and policy work around public value, The Work Foundation’s project aims to help policymakers, public managers and institutions understand the concept of public value and see how it can be applied in practice
Report: New Guidance for Evaluation in the Transport Sector
TIHR in partnership with AECOM, were commissioned by the Department for Transport to develop a set of guidance for those commissioning and undertaking impact evaluations in the transport sector.
Department of Business, Innovation & Skills
Report: Evaluation of Phase Two of the Skilled for Health Programme
Report from the National Evaluation team (TIHR and Shared Intelligence) who used a ‘Theory of Change’ framework to evaluate the Skilled for Health at programme, project and individual level.
Evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People: Innovative Schemes Pilot
Report: Evaluation strategies for community-level health projects: a review of best practice
This report provides an overview of the best evaluation strategies for community-level health interventions. It was the key output from a review commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) which sought to..
NHSIII (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement)
Cabinet Office
The National Lottery Community Fund
Organisational Change for Citizen-Centric E-Government
The study aimed to make significant progress in understanding organisational change aspects of eGovernment and produced concrete conclusions and tools for policy makers and practitioners.
Evaluation Of UK Civil Service Reforms
The Tavistock Institute headed the team that designed overall evaluation including scoping study for Cabinet Office.
Evaluation of the Community of Practice on partnerships in the European Social Fund
A transnational network on partnerships in the European Social Fund (ESF) contributed to significant learning and good practice exchange across EU Member States.
Engaging Innovation - Innovation in the Public Sector
The aim of the project was to review the literature on innovation to identify lessons for the encouragement and replication of innovation in public services and to scope an action research approach to apply the lessons of the review to a number of current challenging policy areas.
A Think-Piece on Measurement of Public Value
The paper is part of a larger project that seeks to examine a number of different aspects of the concept of public value and how public value can be applied in practice.
Reflecting on group relations
Giorgia Iacopini suggests, group relations offers good tools for researchers...
What is a Group Relations conference?
A group relations conference offers ...
Research & Evaluation

How can a focus on human relations add value to social research and evaluation?

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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