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184 results:

The History Safe toolkit: an oral history resource

This oral history toolkit is an accessible guide to the 'sustained relational approach' for those working with people and communities.

The Systems Psychodynamics trilogy

75-plus years of learning and practice have been distilled into three accessible and highly readable books by Dr. Mannie Sher and Dr. David Lawlor

Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change

Theory of Change is a strategic design tool to foster innovation and impact. Contributions from over 30 leading authors and co-edited by Dr David Drabble.

Measures to tackle labour shortages: Lessons for future policy

The 2023 Eurofound report finds that pay, working conditions and quality of life measures are important alongside investment in training plus holistic support for vulnerable groups.

The Ecosystem of Group Relations: latest in our Belgirate series

Culture, Gender and Identity in Groups and Organisations, co-authored by contemporary Group Relations thinkers

For the digital age — an Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics

This book describes this new and expanding paradigm – bringing together the social-technical and the people dimensions for the first time. 

Dreaming Of Compassion
Archer, C (2021) ‘Dreaming Of Compassion’. In K. Waddington (ed.) Towards the Compassionate University: From Golden Thread to Global Impact. London: Routledge.
Policy Evaluation for a complex world

Special issue of the Evaluation Journal dedicated to the work of CECAN – the Centre for Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus.

The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives
Cory Pearce. E. and Scott J., (2020).  'The Vocational Potential of Anthropology: Teaching Organisational Research Through Practitioner Archives' in  Teaching Anthropology, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 10-24.
The Experience of Being 70 or Over
On Being an Orphan – an untold story
Dynamics at Boardroom Level
New ground-breaking research emerging from EmerGent

Six papers reporting the research outcomes from the EmerGent project that looks at social media use in emergencies.

Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management
Spielhofer, T., Greenlaw, R., Markham, D., & Hahne, A. (2016, December). Data mining Twitter during the UK floods: Investigating the potential use of social media in emergency management. In Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), 2016 3rd International Conference on (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany
Reuter, C., Kaufhold, M. A., Spielhofer, T., & Hahne, A. S. (2017). Social media in emergencies: A representative study on citizens’ perception in Germany. Proceedings of the ACM: Human Computer Interaction (PACM): Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, 1(2), 1-19.
Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe
Reuter, C., & Spielhofer, T. (2017). Towards social resilience: A quantitative and qualitative survey on citizens' perception of social media in emergencies in Europe. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 121, 168-180.
Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2018b). Studie: Wie sehen Mitarbeiter von Feuerwehr und THW den Einsatz sozialer Medien in Gefahrenlagen? Crisis Prevention – Fachmagazin Für Innere Sicherheit, Bevölkerungsschutz Und Katastrophenhilfe, vol. 1, pp. 64–66.
Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe
Reuter, C., Ludwig, T., Kaufhold, M. A., & Spielhofer, T. (2016). Emergency services׳ attitudes towards social media: A quantitative and qualitative survey across Europe. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 95, 96-111.
Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del-Pozo, E., Escot, L., & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2018) Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain. Revista Española de Sociología RES 27 doi:10.22325/fes/res.2018.3.
Changing the story: management panaceas as narrative interventions
Whittle, Susan Rosina (2015) 'Changing the story: management panaceas as narrative interventions', in Anders Ortenblad (ed.) Handbook of Research on Management Ideas and Panaceas, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK; Chapter 10, 173-189.
Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective.
Castellanos Serrano, C. (2016) Evaluation of public policies: marital property regimes and parental leave systems. Effects on welfare regime from the gender perspective, Complutense University of Madrid (PhD Thesis) .
Cloud Cuckoo Land: evidence from a study of student drop-out
Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review
Castellanos, C., Corlyon, J., Grieve, M., Stock, L., (2014). 'Findings: Personal Relationships and Poverty - An Evidence and Policy Review', in Joseph Rowntree Foundation Reducing Poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews, pp. 126-129
Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care?
Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Escot, L.,Del-Pozo, E. & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2016) 'Do Fathers Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care? The case of Spain'. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVII(2), pp. 169-191.
Representation, Place, and Equivalent Realities: an Exploration of Relational Perspectives on Representation and Meaning
Izod, Karen (2016). 'Representation, Place, and Equivalent Realities: an Exploration of Relational Perspectives on Representation and Meaning', Organisational and Social Dynamics, Volume 16, Number 1, May 2016, pp. 110-128(19). Karnac Books.
Understanding and working with the psychodynamics of practitioner-patient relationships in the manual therapies
Sher, D. & Sher, M. (2015). 'Understanding and working with the psychodynamics of practitioner-patient relationships in the manual therapies'. Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies. Vol. 20, pp. 1-7.
The Experiences of Co-Directorship in Group Relations Conferences
Developing a Group Relations Institution in Lithuania
The Oedipus Complex, Creativity and the Legacies of Group Relations
Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools
Carneiro, R., Child, C., Cullen, C., Dagienė, V., & Juškevičienė, A. (2015). 'Self-Assessing of the Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Intelligence in Schools'. Informatics in Education. 14, 2: 199-217.
What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations
King, S. & Sher, M. (2015). 'What Role, if any, Can Education Systems Play in Fostering Social Transformation for Social Justice? Prospects, Challenges and Limitations' European Journal of Education, 50: 250–253.
Practice: Social Work in Action
Elizabeth Harlow & Karen Izod (2015) 'Special Issue - The Supervision of Social Work Practice'
Evaluation of Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents.
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, BPSR and TNS-BMRB (2011) Evaluation of Child Poverty Pilots: Delivering Improved Services for Separating Parents. DfE.
Relationship Support Interventions Evaluation
Personal Relationships and Poverty: An Evidence and Policy Review
Stock, L, Corlyon, J, Castellanos Serrano, C, and Gieve, M. (2014). Personal Relationships and Poverty: An Evidence and Policy Review. JRF.
Address to the Finnish Organizational Development Society on their 25th Anniversary
A paper by TIHR Principal Researcher / Consultant Fiddy Abraham, presented at the Finnish Organizational Development Society on their 25th Anniversary in February 2015.
A Partnership of Policing and Health Systems: containing the dynamics of sexual violence
Sher, M. (2015). 'A Partnership of Policing and Health Systems: containing the dynamics of sexual violence'. In: D. Armstrong and M. Rustin (Eds.), Social Defences Against Anxiety: explorations in a paradigm. Tavistock Clinic series. London: Karnac Books.
Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change
Izod, Karen & Whittle, Susan Rosina (2014). Resource-ful Consulting: Working with your Presence and Identity in Consulting to Change, London: Karnac Books.
Barriers to inclusion and successful engagement of parents in mainstream services: evidence and research
Corlyon, J. and La Placaa, V. (2014). 'Barriers to inclusion and successful engagement of parents in mainstream services: evidence and research', Journal of Children’s Services Vol 9, 3, pp. 220-234.
Innovation or Stagnation – Social Work Organisations as Models of Behaviour for Clients
Sher, M. (2014). 'Innovation or Stagnation – Social Work Organisations as Models of Behaviour for Clients', Social Theory, Empirics, Policy and Practice. Vol. 9.
Group Relations Work in China – Challenges, Risks & Impact for Organisational Development
Özdemir, H. & Sher, M. (2014). 'Group Relations Work in China – Challenges, Risks & Impact for Organisational Development', Challenging Organisations & Society. Vol. 3. No. 1. pp. 5012-517.
Capacity Building: What the literature tells us
Whittle S., Colgan A. and Rafferty M. (2012). Capacity Building: What the literature tells us. Dublin: The Centre for Effective Services.
Evaluating politically sensitive programmes: the case of Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent)
G. Iacopini and L. Stock. (2013) Evaluating Politically Sensitive Programmes: The Case of Preventing Violent Extremism (Prevent), British Library MBS Portal, 2013.
Challenges Recruiting Families with Children at Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour into Intervention Trials
Stateva, M., Minton, J., Beckett, C., Doolan, M., Ford, T., Kallitsoglou, A. and Scott, S. (2012). 'Challenges Recruiting Families with Children at Risk of Anti-Social Behaviour into Intervention Trials', Journal of Children’s Services, Vol. 7 (4) pp. 285 – 302.
Social tourism and organised capitalism: research, policy and practice
Corlyon, J. and La Placaa, V. (2013). ‘Social tourism and organised capitalism: research, policy and practice’, Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, published online: 09 Sep 2013.
Changing Organizations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships
Whittle, S. R. & Stevens, R. C. (eds.) (2013). Changing Organizations from Within: Roles, Risks and Consultancy Relationships. London: Gower.
The Tavistock Group
Abraham, F. (2013). 'The Tavistock Group'. In The Oxford Handbook of Management Theorists, eds. Morgen Witzel and Malcolm Warner, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hidden Complexity
Brissett, L. & Sher, M. (2013). ‘Hidden Complexity’, International Corporate Governance Year Book 2013, International Corporate Governance Network. pp. 70-71.
The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology. Volume 1: The Socio-Psychological Perspective
Towards Equality in Health: Equal Shares in Caring
The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology. Volume 2: The Socio-Technical Perspective
Change Everything at Once! The Tavistock Institute's Guide to Developing Teamwork in Manufacturing
Evaluation for Economic Development: Current Demands, Responses and Trends
Empowerment in Perspective
A Psycho-Social Exploration of the Jewish Community's Sensitivity to Criticism
Inauthentic Innovation: Word Engineering
The Social Engagement of Social Science: A Tavistock Anthology, Volume 3: The Socio-Ecological Perspective
Redundancy: What it Does to People
Hopes, Fears and Reality in a Merger of Two Charities
Developing Organisational Consultancy
Negotiating Entry and Contracting
Editorial: On Reaching the Age of Fifty
Effecting Organisational Change in Large Complex Systems: A Collaborative Consultancy Approach
Consulting to Organisational Implications of Technical Change
Sociotechnology and the Environment: The Tavistocks Contribution to Job and Organisational Design
The Thematic Evaluation of the Partnership Principle in European Structural Fund Programmes 1994-1999.
Eavesdropping on Debates in Language Education and Learning in Managing Evaluation and Innovation
Counselling and Psychotherapy in Primary Health Care: A Psychodynamic Approach
A Psychoanalytic Perspective of Leadership and Followership in Jewish Institutional Life
What do You Mean by Safety? Conflicting Perspectives on Accident Causation and Safety Management Inside a Construction Firm
How People Learn in Organisations
Distributed Learning Networks for Trainers: A Prototypical Experience within a Trade Union Environment
Are Basic Assumptions Instinctive?
A Note on the Proto-Mental System and Groupishness’: Bion's Basic Assumptions Revisited
Complementary Therapy in General Practice: An Evaluation of the Glastonbury Health Centre Complementary Medicine Service
Engaging New Social Movements
Organisational Participation: Myth and Reality
Privatisation and Transformation in Central Europe: Lessons from Six Cases in Hungary
The Levers of Organisational Change: Facilitators and Inhibitors
The Needle and the Damage Done: Research, Action Research, and the Organisational and Social Construction of Health in the Information Society
Working with Small Business Managers in Conditions of Ambiguity and Uncertainty
Workplace Learning, Culture and Performance
Organisational Analysis as Deconstructive Practice
Comparing Methods for Mapping Organisational Cognition
Three Contemporary Challenges for OD Practitioners
Personality and Work Performance: Some Evidence from Small and Medium-Sized Firms
Dependency, Alienation or Partnership? The Changing Relationship of the Individual to the Enterprise
The Tavistock Institute Contribution to Job and Organisational Design (Volumes 1 & 2)
Models of Organisation: An Introduction for Social Care Professionals
When Technological Innovation is Not Enough. Understanding the take up of Energy Technology
Organisationsentwicklung: Stand der entwicklung und perspektiven
Leadership in Residential Child Care: Evaluating Qualification Training
Evaluation of the New Deal for Disabled People: Innovative Schemes Pilot
Educating Prospective Managers in the Complexity of Organisational Life: Teaching and Learning from a Complexity Perspective
Dependency to Autonomy: Studies in Organisation and Change
Cognitivism in Organisation Studies
To Transfer is to Transform - The Circulation of Safety Knowledge
The Organisational Learning of Safety in Community of Practices
The Handbook of Supply Chain Management
Decision Making and Human Factors in the Context of Privatisation and Transformation
Managing Democratic Organisations (Volumes 1 & 2)
She Got Involved in Prostitution to Pay for her Drug Habit
Clusters and Co-Laboratories - The Myth and Reality of Institutional Learning
The Parenting State
Virtual Dynamics and Socio-Technical Systems
Towards a Socio-Oecotechnology
Improving Children's Health (2): An Analysis of Health Improvement Programmes 2000-2003
User Perspectives
Field Studies and Case Studies
POLE: Observing European Policy and Practice in Lifelong Learning
The Use of Cases Studies in the Development and Delivery of Evidence-Based Policy
The Role of Social Science in the Study of Economic and Cultural Transformation
Health and Educational Support for the Rehabilitation of Offenders
Looking After Children in China
In Search of the ‘Structure that Reflects’: Promoting Organisational Reflection Practices in a UK Health Authority
Can Organisations Learn From Experience? Intervening to Improve Cross-boundary Management in Health and Social Care
Ethical Issues for Psychotherapists Working in Organisations
From Groups to Group Relations: Bion's Contribution to the Tavistock - 'Leicester' Conference
Book Review: ‘Enactment, Toward a New Approach to the Therapeutic Relationship
Participation and Power - A Critical Assessment
Knowledge Regions as Complex Organisational Systems
Research Action as a Bridge to Macro Changes
Health, Collaborative Learning and the Collapse of Professionalism: The Information Brothel
Evaluating Partnerships
Philosophies and Types of Evaluation Research
Group Feedback Analysis as a Bridging Methodology
Research Action as a Multi Method
Research Action as a Consultancy Method
A Systems Approach to Under-Utilisation of Human Skills in Organisations
In Search of the ‘Structure that Reflects’
The Evaluation of the Work-life Balance Challenge Fund
Evaluation of an Executive Coaching Service to Stimulate Learning Amongst Chief Executives and Executive Directors in NHS Wales
Report: Evaluation strategies for community-level health projects: a review of best practice
This report provides an overview of the best evaluation strategies for community-level health interventions. It was the key output from a review commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) which sought to..
Action Research and Research Action: A Family of Methods
Modernism and Postmodernism in Group Relations Theory and Practice: a Confusion of Tongues
Planning Under Pressure: The Strategic Choice Approach
A History of Group Study and Psychodynamic Organisations
Flying the Friendly Skies: Why US Commercial Airline Pilots want to Carry Guns
The Dangers of Resource Myopia in World and Organisational Psychology: A Plea for Broadening and Integration
Sex, Pregnancy and Parenthood for Young People who are Looked After
Kurt Lewin at the Tavistock Institute
Fit for Change
Evaluating Practice in Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Towards a Future Integrated Social Science
Collaborative Knowledge Systems - Supporting Health for All?
Is there any Future for Local Government?
Belgirate I: Group Relations Conferences: Reviewing and Exploring Theory, Design, Role-Taking and Application
Belgirate I: Group Relations Conferences: Reviewing and Exploring Theory, Design, Role-Taking and Application, Volume I
Have you Heard? BHF Progress Record for Cardiac Patients
Evaluation of Post-MI Patient Diaries Show Concerns
Mutuality and Interdependence: An Application to Issues of Career Ownership and Development
Book Review: ‘Taking Positions in the Organisation
Healthy Living Centres
Epistemology and Validity of Action Research European Group for Organisational Studies
What is the Scope for Organisational Change in the Public Sector in Europe?
Birth of an Institution: Early Correspondence Leading to the Establishment of OFEK and Tavistock Group Relations in Israel
Becoming Better Consultants Through Varieties of Experiential Learning
Current Research and Consultancy Methods in the UK
The Relational Turn, Implications for Organisations and Groups
Moving Psychotherapy into Community Settings: Alexis Brook's Life's Work
Splits, Extrusion and Integration: The Impact of ‘Potential Space’ for Group Relations and Sponsoring Institutions
Mind-ful Consulting
Whittle, S. & Izod, K., (eds.) (2009). Mind-ful Consulting, London: Karnac Books.
Belgirate II: Adaptation and Innovation Theory, Design and Role-Taking in Group Relations Conferences and their Applications
Corruption: Aberration or an Inevitable Part of the Human Condition?
Developing Leadership in a Social Care Enterprise: Managing Organisational and Individual Boundaries and Anxiety: An Action Learning Approach to Leadership Development
Isabel Menzies Lyth: Traditions and Innovations
Learning to Host a Social Dreaming Matrix
Managing Vulnerability: The Underlying Dynamics of Systems of Care
Light In My Life
New Inter-Organisational Forms for UK Partnership Delivery’
Light In My Life
Violence in the Emergency Department
Belgirate III: Tradition, Creativity and Succession in the Global Group Relations Network
The Leicester Conference Experience
Archer, C. & Sher, M. (2012). 'The Leicester Conference Experience', Therapy Today.
Reducing Violence and Aggression in A+E through a Better Experience
Guide to Teenage Parents
The Dynamics of Change: Tavistock Approaches to Improving Social Systems
Earning Not Learning? An Assessment of Young People in the Jobs Without Training (JWT) Group
Inside the Minds of the Money Minders: Deciphering Reflections on Money, Behaviour and Leadership in the Financial Crisis of 2008
The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.

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