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111 results:

Seeking an adultier adult: explore human creativity in organisations

Over the last few decades, there has been an increased focus on how organisations can ‘improve’ creativity and innovation. Join us on Weds November 20 at 1pm — 2.30pm to discuss

Lunchtime Talks
Podcast: Hidden forces that drive group behaviour

Introduction to group relations and the work of TIHR from Rachel Kelly, Group Relations Consultant and OD Consultant

High Performance Dynamics and Creativity: launch event for the Creative Digital Futures Lab

Join Professor Eenasul Fateh on Thursday 26th September, 6pm — 8pm

Talks & presentations
Scrambling Time and Matter in Sulphur

This Food for Thought lunchtime talk will share Heni Hale’s process of encountering archive materials of The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. 

Wednesday 18 September 2024, 1pm — 2.30pm

Lunchtime Talks
Exploring the human-technology constellation to understand our entangled modern world

In this talk, on 17th July at 1pm, Dr Nick Waggett will explore how digital technologies have become incorporated into our intra- and inter-psychic processes.

Lunchtime Talks
Dreaming for the Future, with Dr Franca Fubini and Susan Long

Inspired by Susan Long’s writing about anticipatory dreams and dreaming for the future, Franca Fubini will explore how the matrix dreams from the past in order to develop dreaming for the future.

Lunchtime Talks
Unlocking Leadership, with Mariana Moura

Unlocking Leadership: The Next Generation of Family Business, with Mariana Moura. Join us for a captivating exploration of family business dynamics with Mariana Moura, a Brazilian consultant in the field of family enterprises.

Lunchtime Talks
The 2023/4 Deepening Creative Practice group presents: Kuråt

Watch the film made by this year’s Deepening Creative Practice group

Professional development
Professional joy: don’t let your dream die with you

Steven H. Cady asks ‘why is it that traditional career paths often fall short of yielding true fulfillment?’

Lunchtime Talks
Book Launch: ‘Systems Psychodynamics’

Join us to celebrate the launch of all three volumes in the Systems Psychodynamics series.

Book launch
Professional Development Open Evening

The Tavistock Institute invites you to our Professional Development Open Evening.

Professional development
The Experience of Being 70 and over

Dr Mannie Sher kicked off our 2018 lunchtime talk series with his talk ‘Experience of Being 70 and over — an overview of the group relations conference’.

Lunchtime Talks
The Five Facets of Theory of Change

Richard Allen, Principal Researcher and Consultant at the Tavistock Institute, presents research into the ‘five facets of Theory of Change’.

Lunchtime Talks
The Dynamics of Habit and Ritual: Theories from China

Michael Puett’s lunchtime talk offered an exploration of theories of human psychology and group dynamics as they arose in early China and agues that these theoretical understandings have much to offer contemporary practice.

Lunchtime Talks
Agon in the Office – Contests and Gatherings in the Theatre of Work

Jessica Burlingame continues an inquiry begun during her workshop at the Tavistock Institute’s 70th anniversary Festival

Lunchtime Talks
Losing Political Office

Jane Roberts, author of the book Losing Political Office, brought insights from her new book as possible food for those working, consulting to governance and political systems.

Lunchtime Talks
Eric Miller’s application of an anthropological training to TIHR work

The evolution of Eric Miller’s methodology

Lunchtime Talks
Lifting neighbourhoods out of poverty

How do we harness resources to create a more cohesive system?

Lunchtime Talks
The Chair: politics, sociology and how to sit on one

In this talk, Rachel Kelly traced the history of the chair through human evolution, the significance and symbolism of the chair, the chair as ‘object of desire’ and what makes a comfortable chair.

Lunchtime Talks
Female Genital Cutting, human rights and religious freedom

This talk looked at issues of negotiating independence and the politics of knowledge production in the case of Female Genital Cutting.

Lunchtime Talks
CyborgORG: The Human/Machine Organization

From coal mines to WeWork: learning from the Tavistock Tradition, researching the contemporary workplace — a lunchtime talk by Jack Marmorstein.

Lunchtime Talks
Looked After Children #1

Reflections from TIHR researchers on evaluating the Adoption Support Fund 2015-2017.

Lunchtime Talks
Poetry in the Here and Now

Joe Cullen selects poems from his own work as the Bard of Dalston that ask questions of the here and now.

Lunchtime Talks
The Hidden Gem of Leadership

Followership Lessons from a Convent Community

Lunchtime Talks
One, Two, Three… Groups

Dr Yossi Triest talks about bridging the gap between the ‘unconscious of the individual’ and the ‘unconscious of the group.’

Lunchtime Talks
The ‘Impossibility’ of Working in the Current NHS

Dr Rachel Gibbons facilitates a conversation to think about what is wrong with the NHS.

Lunchtime Talks
The Tavistock Community: our story so far…

A talk presented by Agnès Berthoz, Laure Fraval, Kalina Stamenova and Eva Worm

Lunchtime Talks
Virtual Reality

A lunchtime talk by Coreene Archer and David Drabble.

Lunchtime Talks
The challenge of blending spirituality with organisational demands

What happens in the areas in which organisational structure and spiritual experience intersect or are in tension with one another?

Lunchtime Talks
Bringing out the best in times of uncertainty

In this talk, Professor Georgie Parry-Crooke explores what the right hat or hats might be for collaborative evaluation roles.

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluation: from reflective to deliberative practice?

Giorgia Iacopini explores what drives policy-making, taking us beyond the assumptions of policy work that still inform the evidence-based policy movement.

Lunchtime Talks
Why we need children’s hospices

David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.

Lunchtime Talks
Integration of Young People who are NEET

Learning from the ‘NEETs in Action’ Erasmus+ project.

Lunchtime Talks
Lateral Authority

Exploring Lateral Relations at Work — a talk by Petros Oratis

Lunchtime Talks
Learning from Women and Girls, a Lunchtime Talk

The story and learnings from the Women and Girls Initiative

Lunchtime Talks
Making an Online Learning course

— all the fun and all the challenges

Lunchtime Talks
Is there a Doctor in the House?

What defines GPs’ primary tasks, roles, and systems?

Lunchtime Talks
Complexity and Evaluation — latest developments

Dr Dione Hills asks — how can a better understanding of complexity have an impact on the way we think?

Lunchtime Talks
Everyday life, policy and research: older people and social exclusion

Dr Philip Corran explores the challenges of balancing everyday life and policy when it comes to ageing, disability and social exclusion.

Lunchtime Talks
Systems thinking at the Tavistock Institute

— past, present and future

Lunchtime Talks
Connecting and Communicating in the midst of a Pandemic

Reflections on living in the time of Coronavirus.

Lunchtime Talks
The Tavistock Touch: continued

As a result of interest in Lucian Hudson’s Lunchtime Talk on Touch, the Tavistock Community has created an opportunity to explore the phenomenon of touch further.

Talks & presentations
The Tavistock Touch: what is our role now in repairing the world?

Lucian J. Hudson explores what it means to touch during a time of social distancing.

Lunchtime Talks
Emotional Labour

Exploring the impact of repeated bereavements for staff in a special school

Lunchtime Talks
Consultancy with a light touch

Me and Work: experiences of consulting to organisations, sharing feelings, emotions, failures and learning from them.

Lunchtime Talks
A.K. Rice: A Forgotten Giant at The Tavistock Institute

Jean Neumann and Antonio Sama trace A.K. Rice’s legacy embedded and captured in articles, books and other source documents.

Lunchtime Talks
Under the surface and far apart

The dynamics of discord in remote teams

Lunchtime Talks
The Medical Self: why doctors make bad patients

Professor Dame Clare Gerada explores the reasons why doctors find it so hard to seek help when needed.

Lunchtime Talks
Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and the Environment

A talk by our staff exploring how we apply Tavistock social science to our environmental work.

Lunchtime Talks
The Art of Not Knowing

In this talk, Marian Timmermans combines models from Tavistock and Transactional Analysis in dealing with the unknown when working with groups.

Lunchtime Talks
Experiences of Deepening Creative Practice

Join the Deepening Creative Practice community in a collective space to play, explore and experiment.

Lunchtime Talks
Global socio-technical systems perspectives

The development of compassionate work and organisation design

Lunchtime Talks
Evaluating design enabled innovations

Special session: towards a common impact evaluation methodology

Lunchtime Talks
Applied Anthropology in Organisational Research & Consultancy

Why is anthropology important when understanding organisations?

Lunchtime Talks
Implementation Science Below the Waterline

Allison Metz joined us recently to speak about the role of trust and psychological safety in the use of evidence.

Lunchtime Talks
Book Launch: ‘An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics’

David Lawlor and Mannie Sher speak on systems psychodynamics theory and its application to organisational consultancy as part of this book launch of An Introduction to Systems Psychodynamics

Lunchtime Talks
The Future of Humanity Report

— a mashup of indices and qualitative analysis of reports. A talk by Professor Steven H. Cady.

Lunchtime Talks
Impact of Covid-19 on front-line practitioners

Anna Sophie Hahne, Georgie Parry-Crooke and Thomas Spielhofer presented findings from the TIHR Covid-19 research study.

Lunchtime Talks
Digital Surgery — approaches and challenges of working virtually
Talks & presentations
How ‘Human Relations’ Got Its Name

The Journal as Boundary Object

Lunchtime Talks
Consultants: are our ethics for real or just skin deep?...

Being a consultant means helping the client. How open are we to when we are not?

Lunchtime Talks
Boosting Human Capital for the 21st century

The Tavistock Institute team talk about a project designed to help low-skilled jobseekers train for future employment.

Lunchtime Talks
Psychoanalysis Goes to War (Eventually)

A prehistory of the Tavistock Institute.

Lunchtime Talks
An Ancient Greek Philosophy of Management Consulting

How we can introduce useful novelty into our thinking about management consulting?

Lunchtime Talks
Survive and Thrive. What are we learning from the pandemic?

The Tavistock Institute team reflect on what learning about resilience is emerging from the coronavirus pandemic.

Lunchtime Talks
What is restored to the picture by delving into the Tavistock archive?

Alice White’s lunchtime talk provides insight into the people, processes, challenges and opportunities behind the Civil Resettlement Units of the 1940s.

Lunchtime Talks
Exploring Harold Bridger’s Archive

This talk explores the ways in which Harold Bridger shaped the history, memory, and identity of the Tavistock Institute between the years 1947 and c.1990

Lunchtime Talks
Strategic Thinking, Design and the Theory of Change

How can the Theory of Change framework be effectively employed in a wide range of social interventions?

Lunchtime Talks
Exploring professional identity

How do we marry professionalism with individual identity?

Lunchtime Talks
“All we do is have meetings...”

What do meetings tell us about group dynamics and workplace culture?

Lunchtime Talks
Podcast: "We have to stay with the trouble"

Dr Eliat Aram and Dr Simon Western discuss sustainability, the environment, urban development, and creative working around how the future is being shaped.

Where she was to where she is now: an animation celebrating the Women and Girls Initiative

The WGI film (2022), made by Leeds Animation Workshop with women and girls working with and supported by WGI funded projects.

Corona-Time Notes: The Virus of Horror
1, 2, 3… Groups
The dynamics of small groups and consulting to them
Dr Eliat Aram, talks about the experience of the first module of our new programme, Dynamics of Leading and Following in partnership with TILT, in South Africa. 
Leadership Backstage: an interview with Dr Eliat Aram
Drissia Schroeder-Hohenwarth recently interviewed Dr Eliat Aram, CEO of the Tavistock Institute, in her exciting new podcast series Leadership Backstage.
All Change at Group Relations!
On 13 April 2018, the Tavistock Institute marked the transfer of the role of Director of the Group Relations Programme from Mannie Sher to Leslie Brissett with a Minifest, which served as a continuation of the October 2017 celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations. On the morning of the Minifest there were lectures by Mannie and Leslie: Mannie reflecting on what he had learned in 20 years in the role and Leslie outlining his vision for Group Relations in the digital age.
Comparing TIHR and NTL Founding Traditions
Learning in the Tavistock Tradition
In this lunchtime talk, Anne Benson explored what “Drawing on classic and contemporary Tavistock approaches” might mean...
Fitting Care Navigation into Health Systems

Lunchtime talk exploring the real stories of care navigators and outlining how a socio-technical systems approach can facilitate successful organisational change.

The associative unconscious, abductive logic and social dreaming

A talk by Professor Susan Long

Redundancy Kills!
What purpose does work serve for individuals and society? Work gives people a secure place in the community. It also allows them to displace narcissistic, aggressive or even erotic drives onto work...
“Tavistock, we have a problem…..!”

(with apologies to the crew of the Apollo 13 moon flight...)

4,446 books on Amazon on relational practice, but what does it mean?
With the fashion to call any and every approach to engaging with others ‘relational’ what does relational actually mean? Karen Izod gives us a snapshot of ideas on what relational practice means to her, and how it is embodied in her work as a consultant to organisational change and professional development.
Working with Theory of Change and Complexity
In this lunchtime talk, Richard Allen, Principal Research and Consultant at TIHR, presents Theory of Change as both a framework and reflective practice for managing complexity.
Communicating Results
The fourth (and last) in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation. A panel discussion between Dione Hills (Chair), Cristina Castellanos, Milena Stateva, Laura Stock and Richard Allen.
Trusting virtual strangers: Developing trust online in temporary collaborative groups
Professor Niki Panteli & David Drabble (TIHR) explore trust as a mechanism for forming functional online groups.
Our prayer is our labour
On incubation of and innovation in reflective spaces. An essay by Milena Stateva, PhD, Senior Researcher/Consultant at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference
Rachel Kelly, Professional Development Coordinator at the Tavistock Institute and a teacher of the Alexander Technique, talks to staff and guests about some key concepts, philosophical ideas and the myths and fantasies around the Yoga Event, which has been a part of the annual group relations Leicester Conference for the last 8 years.
Organisational Diagnosis
This is a video of Mannie Sher’s lecture on Organisational Diagnosis to members of the annual group relations conference in China, 2013, organised under the auspices of Oezpa Consulting, Germany.
TIHR in the development of theory & practice in group relations, organisational development & applied social psychology
Milena Stateva, PhD Senior Researcher/ Consultant at the TIHR spoke about the role of the Tavistock Institute in the development of theory and practice in the fields of group relations, organisational development and applied social psychology.
Training Group Concept
Eliat Aram, CEO of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, talks to Hüseyin özdemir of Oezpa Akademie & Consulting, Germany about the Training Group in the Orglab Group Relations conference 2014 where Eliat was the Director of the Training Group (TG).
Handling Complexity
Handling Complexity: The third in the series of lunchtime dialogues on the Dynamics of Evaluation, presented by Eliat Aram, Dione Hills and Kerstin Junge.
A System Psychodynamic Perspective on Evaluation
A presentation by Giorgia Iacopini and Leslie Brissett as part of our series on The Dynamics of Evaluation.
Does love matter? fear and compassion in organisations and leadership
Evaluation as reflective practice
A presentation by Camilla Child and Dione Hills as part of our new series of lunchtime dialogues on The Dynamics of Evaluation, which contributes to the celebration of the International Year of Evaluation.
Shifts in Theory and Practice Over 35 Years of Evaluation Practice at The Tavistock Institute
In this Year of Evaluation, TIHR is celebrating thirty-five years of evaluation activities. What follows is a personal account by Frances Abraham of the emergence of evaluation at TIHR during this period.
IDEAS for improving access to Higher Education
What is Capacity Building?
In December 2013, Dr Susan Rosina Whittle and Irish colleagues Anne Colgan and Mary Rafferty presented their review of Capacity Building at a seminar hosted by The Centre for Effectives Services (CES) in Dublin.
What Does Organisational Design Mean for Me and My Work?
A presentation to European Organizational Development Network: EODF Stream in May 2014, by Frances Abraham and Jean Neumann. This forms the third in the series of organizational design themed presentations that reflect TIHR’s continuing learning around design and culture change.
The role of an ageing workforce in the future of work

Working through images of older people and their role in the systems psychodynamics of organizational life.

Eliat Aram tells of directing a three-day Group Relations Conference in New York City
Group Relations Conferences - The Leicester Conference
The upcoming Tavistock Institute's 68th Leicester conference provides a unique context for exploring and developing new leadership skills. Coreene Archer and Mannie Sher explain what you might expect from The Leicester Conference.
Interpretations of Socio-Technical Systems: two stories and the narrative of an organisation
A presentation given by TIHR Principal Researcher / Consultant Frances Abraham and Researcher / Consultant David Drabble to the Socio-Technical Systems (STS) Roundtable: What’s Humane got to do with it?, September 13th, 2012.
Complexity: Going Deeper
At a recent ‘lunchtime talk’ session, Eliat Aram, the Institute’s CEO attempted a second ‘bite’ into Complexity theory, this time introducing Staff and Guests to the ‘complex responsive processes of relating’ perspective developed by Prof. Stacey, Prof. Shaw and Prof. Griffin.
A Group Relations approach to the socio ecological dilemmas in the Peruvian Amazons
A Group Relations approach to the socio ecological dilemmas in the Peruvian Amazons: An invitation to learn from the experience of leadership, accountability and love in order to promote a spirit of enquiry for a sustainable transformation in the Amazons’.
Theory of Change in action
We were delighted when Helène Clark was able to join one of our lunchtime talk series while on a brief visit to the UK. Helene is a leader in Theory of Change development and facilitation, founder of ActKnowledge and of Theory of Change Online.
Eco-Leadership, new skills for organisational success and sustainability
Learning about an Eco-Leadership approach – what are the challenges, what are the organisational and societal impacts? Dr Simon Western talks about an Eco-Leadership approach during a TIHR lunchtime talk.
The Women and Girls Initiative

The Women and Girls Initiative (WGI) was a National Lottery funded initiative designed to enable a stronger women and girls sector.

We were engaged to deliver the WGI Learning and Impact Services throughout the life of this initiative.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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