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130 results:

Strengthening local networks to reduce gambling-related harm, with GambleAware

Read about our work with GambleAware to support local partnerships to reduce gambling related harm

Do residential rehabilitation services help with gambling disorder?

Our evaluation of a residential rehabilitation service for gambling disorder offers insights for commissioners

Family Saturdays x PARCS Grows Everybody

Bring your children to these arts and crafts sessions at Aspex Portsmouth.

Gemma Summers-Green
Neurodiversity in the tech industry

A major new global study suggests an urgent need for more equitable and inclusive workplaces.

Strategic Leadership Circles 2024

Transformative conversations for senior healthcare leaders. 

Professional development
Positive destinations

Evaluating Barnardo's support programmes for care-experienced young people

S[in]ging and moving ab[out]

Applying and evolving Deepening Creative Practice in and out of the NHS field, with Bernadette Kennedy and Emily Kyte

Lunchtime Talks
“...I needed that level of support..."

Our evaluation of the Community Mental Health Navigator Pilot Programme

Teams that ‘soh’ together grow together

The turbulence of the past few years has affected health services in many different ways.

The ‘Impossibility’ of Working in the Current NHS

Dr Rachel Gibbons facilitates a conversation to think about what is wrong with the NHS.

Lunchtime Talks
Why we need children’s hospices

David Strudley CBE FRSA makes the case for a major expansion of children’s hospice services.

Lunchtime Talks
Is there a Doctor in the House?

What defines GPs’ primary tasks, roles, and systems?

Lunchtime Talks
Complexity and Evaluation — latest developments

Dr Dione Hills asks — how can a better understanding of complexity have an impact on the way we think?

Lunchtime Talks
Everyday life, policy and research: older people and social exclusion

Dr Philip Corran explores the challenges of balancing everyday life and policy when it comes to ageing, disability and social exclusion.

Lunchtime Talks
Emotional Labour

Exploring the impact of repeated bereavements for staff in a special school

Lunchtime Talks
Impact of Covid-19 on front-line practitioners

Anna Sophie Hahne, Georgie Parry-Crooke and Thomas Spielhofer presented findings from the TIHR Covid-19 research study.

Lunchtime Talks
Sandwell & West Birmingham NHS Trust
Bespoke Programme in Advancing Practice in Unconscious Processes

Imagine the pressures of working in an NHS Directorate and the associated dynamics.

Hertfordshire County Council
ConnectedLives Leadership Programme

‘We need to change the way we do things’ Hertfordshire adult care services told us back in 2019.

Researchers wanted!
We are looking to recruit two Researchers
Learning from the Learning Strand

Sharing insights from our evaluation of The Coronavirus Community Support Fund Grantholder Learning Strand.

New Year’s Greeting
A Happy New Year and best wishes and hopes...
What we learnt from designing and running a Learning Strand during the COVID-19 pandemic
The Grantholder Learning Strand of the Coronavirus Community Support Fund (CCSF) evaluation – results and learning. COVID-19 and the associated lockdown disproportionally affected some people and...
Covid-19 & Teleworking – Tale of two cities
The impact of teleworking and digital work on workers and society.
Researcher – wanted!
We are looking to recruit a Researcher.
Breaking down binaries; promoting integrated health
A holistic leadership view for a covid resilient society.
Making Visible the Invisible
Bricolage into activism in the arts and systems psychodynamic approaches of Deepening Creative Practice.
Survey results: Impact of COVID-19
We conducted an international online survey of over 250 professionals and qualitative interviews exploring how the pandemic has impacted them.
The Tavistock Institute & COVID-19

Here at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, we have adapted to work alongside the pandemic as opposed to against it.

Evaluation of the Children of Alcohol Dependent Parents Innovation Fund

Understanding how local areas can improve their systems for identifying and responding to families and children affected by alcohol dependency and parental conflict.

Public Health England
Our commitment to your health and safety.
Psychodynamics of Practitioner - Patient Relationships in the Manual Therapies
Understanding the dynamics of the practitioner-patient relationship in the manual therapies can improve treatment outcomes. In a series of video interviews...
Enabling fairer access to flexible working for older workers
Evaluating the pilot project.
Learning from Veterans
Reflecting on a recent feasibility study for the Forces in Mind Trust. Sometimes you learn more from facing challenges than from success. In our latest research report, this was definitely the case....
The Organisational Exploratory Program
The Organisational Exploratory Program is an international project aimed at supporting organisations working to serve important social causes across the world.
Featuring from the ArchLive: Recording of TIHR & Tavistock Clinic panel discussion
Keeping you informed about content and resources from our 70th Anniversary Celebrations festival. A panel discussion between three people who have had long associations with both the TIHR &the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust..
Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation
The Tavistock Institute has been commissioned by Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) to develop and assess an Armed Forces Community Healthcare Navigation pilot in South Birmingham. We are responsible for running a feasibility study assessing the potential for further roll out of the delivery model on a larger scale...
Spare rooms plan can’t solve NHS overcrowding
Learning in the Tavistock Tradition
Lunchtime Talk: Anne Benson, 17th May.
Revaluation: Measuring Value, Making Value
Podcast: Revaluation is a new methodology for measuring change in complex systems. It has been created by Andrew Darnton and Andrew Harrison, and comes out of a year’s work evaluating ‘bottom-up’ change in the NHS.
Evaluation of Health Navigation for Diabetes
The National Association for Primary Care (NAPC)
Benefits of Gender Equality (BGE)
EIGE’s project ‘Benefits of Gender Equality’ aimed to reflect on strategic approaches and methodologies used for conceptualisation and measuring of some of those benefits...
Adoption Support Fund Implementation and Evaluation Research

We led the evaluation of the national roll-out of the Adoption Support Fund (ASF) between 2015- 2018.

Evaluation of Connect Hackney: Ageing Better

A co-produced evaluation working with volunteer Community Researchers.

Participatory evaluation of Step-Up Transitions
The Tavistock Institute worked with staff at Rethink and young champions with lived experience of mental health issues, to co-produce the evaluation of Step Up Transitions.
Evaluation of Fixperts
Fixperts is social innovation project/ campaign that aims to encourage design students, design professional and members of the public to engage in fixing and making in collaboration with members of the public who have a problem or need that is amenable to a design solution.
London Borough of Havering
NHS Citizen Assembly
25th November - Bringing together the public, staff and the Board of NHS England to collaborate on five citizen-generated issues.
Lunchtime Talk: Personal Relationships and Poverty
This lunch-time talk launches the findings of the TIHR’s robust review of the latest policy and evidence on Personal Relationships and Poverty (2013-15), commissioned by JRF to inform the development of a new UK Anti-poverty Strategy.
Report: Review of Mental Health Issues in Immigration Return Centres
A report prepared for Home Office by Dr David Lawlor, Dr Mannie Sher and Dr Milena Stateva. The purpose of the Review was to help the Home Office Immigration Return Centres improve conditions for detainees with mental health issues.
Review of Mental Health Issues in Immigration Return Centres
A report prepared for Home Office by Dr David Lawlor, Dr Mannie Sher and Dr Milena Stateva.
Towards Compassionate Leadership
Towards Compassionate Leadership: Opening conversations towards compassionate leadership: thoughts offered by Eliat Aram, CEO, TIHR.
Towards Compassionate Leadership
Opening conversations towards compassionate leadership: thoughts offered by Eliat Aram, CEO, The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Innovation and participation: NHS England co-design with citizens
Lunchtime Talk: Camilla Child and Leslie Brissett - 15 October 2014
NHS Citizen – Successful live Test!
As the Party Political Conference season begins the NHS hits the spotlight.
NHS Citizen
Updates and news about NHS Citizen events...
Lunchtime Talk: Evaluation of Shift.ms
In this talk Matt Gieve and David Drabble describe the recently completed evaluation of Shift.ms, an online social network for people with multiple sclerosis.
Report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK
The report: Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK was funded by Cancer Research UK. The report explored ...
Cancer Research UK
Publication of Radiotherapy Report for Cancer Research UK
Read our report 'Recommendations for achieving a world-class radiotherapy service in the UK' ...
Personal Relationships and Poverty: JRF Anti-poverty review
Tavistock Institute research published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as part of their programme to develop a set of evidence-based, anti-poverty strategies for the UK – in order to answer - how can we reduce poverty in the UK? What are the underlying causes? And what impact do different interventions have?
Top Quality Visiting Faculty: Board Dynamics
We are pleased to announce a top quality visiting faculty for the Certificate in Dynamics at Board Level 2014.
NHS England
NHS Citizen

Creating a system that will genuinely hold the Board of NHS England to account

Evaluation of Shift.ms
Shift.ms is a web-based charity and social network for people affected by Multiple Sclerosis (MS), focussing on the needs of younger people with MS and those recently diagnosed with the condition. The website launched in 2009 and now has over 5000 members.
'Who are the real insane? Our perceptions of disordered thinking and behaviour as defences against imagination’
In this seminar, Mannie explored the social dimension of mental illness and the role mental illness plays for and on behalf of society. Mannie suggested that all work generates anxiety and that the people involved in the work, from strategists, leaders, managers and front-line staff, create various defenses to manage and cope with that anxiety.
Evaluating the EMPAC project: empowering parents and children
ReSAurSE contributes to trafficking prevention and victim identification and referral by combating exploitative brokering practices through social auditing. The DG Home Affairs of the European Commission, Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC) Programme has commissioned a partnership of independent organisations to review social auditing practices to combat exploitative brokering in Southern Europe.
London Borough of Hounslow
At risk yet dismissed: a visualisation of vulnerability and stigma towards people with mental health issues
European Anti-Trafficking Day: Better Health Care
Report: Evaluation of the British Heart Foundation Patient Held Diary
The aim of this evaluation was to assess how patients, family and health professionals valued the usefulness of the diary and its impact in relation to the BHF objectives.
Report: New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots
TIHR evaluation team was commissioned to undertake an evaluation alongside the New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots.
Report: The Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support (RECKS)
A summary report of the main practical outputs of the the' Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support' (RECKS) project.
Report: Learning from Domestic Violence Partnerships
This is the final report of work undertaken by TIHR on domestic violence partnerships on behalf of the Local Government Association (LGA).
Report: Caring in a Crisis: The Contribution of Social Care to Emergency Response and Recovery
Report on the SCIE commissioned investigation on the role of social care in the response and recovery to emergency incidents.
Report: Interventions for Children and Young People with Drug-misusing Carers
This report is the output of Department of Health commissioned research as part of Phase II of their Drug Misuse Research Initiative (DMRI), Research on Understanding Treatment Experiences and Services (ROUTES).
Report: Evaluation of the Parenting Fund
Report of the DfES commissioned national evaluation of the Parenting Fund in 2005.
Report: The Effectiveness of Straight Talking - Listening, Hearing and Remembering
A piece of research, commissioned by Straight Talking with funding from Barking and Dagenham PCT and the Teenage Pregnancy Unit in the Department for Children, Schools and Families...
Report: Feasibility of Transferring Budget and Commissioning Responsibility for Forensic Sexual Offences Examination Work from the Police to the NHS
A feasibility study and evidence base to support an impact assessment, commissioned by Department of Health’s Violence and Social Exclusion Programme and the Home Office.
Report: Evaluation of Phase Two of the Skilled for Health Programme
Report from the National Evaluation team (TIHR and Shared Intelligence) who used a ‘Theory of Change’ framework to evaluate the Skilled for Health at programme, project and individual level.
Report: Evaluation strategies for community-level health projects: a review of best practice
This report provides an overview of the best evaluation strategies for community-level health interventions. It was the key output from a review commissioned by the Health Development Agency (HDA) which sought to..
Social Care Institute for Excellence
Symbia Healthy Start
NHSIII (NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement)
London Borough of Tower Hamlets
European Commission
Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)
DG Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission
Department of Health
Kings Fund
Health Authority
DG Budget, European Commission
Big Lottery Fund
British Heart Foundation
The Role and Effectiveness of Collaborative Knowledge Systems in Health Promotion and Health Support (RECKS)
The main aim of RECKS was to assess and enhance the role and effectiveness of collaborative knowledge systems in health promotion and health support.
The Logic of Intervention and Indicators for the ESF
TIHR supported DG EMPL on methods for establishing links between ESF Operational Programmes and Europe 2020. TIHR developed logics of intervention and indicators for Member States and Managing Authorities to demonstrate a clear...
The Contribution of Social Care to Emergency Response and Recovery
A knowledge review combining a systematic literature review with a practice survey.
Parenting Fund
A research team consisting of staff from the Policy Research Bureau and the Tavistock Institute – funded by the then Department for Education and Skills – undertake a national evaluation of the Parenting Fund.
New Deal Disabled People Innovative Scheme Pilots
This project involved the evaluation of a number of employment support schemes for disabled people located in independent sector. Involved support for and use of local evaluation activities.
Longitudinal Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Young People’s Substance Misuse Service Provision in Tower Hamlets
An evaluation with five main aims.
Interventions for Children Young People Schools and Families with Drug Misusing Carers
A study to explore the range of interventions aimed at supporting children and young people who live with a drug misusing parent/ carer.
Incorporating Evaluation into Everyday Practice: Pilot Seminar
TIHR in partnership with the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) part of the School of Social Policy at the University of Birmingham has been commissioned by NHSIII to design and deliver a one-day pilot seminar on evaluation, targeted at NHS Live members who are running or will be running an improvement project.
HERO: Health & Education Support for the Rehabilitation of Offenders 2001 – 2003
This project aimed to contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders within the European Criminal Justice system by providing inputs towards the promotion of a common rehabilitation framework.
Framework Contract for evaluation services for the EU
TIHR has a framework contract with the European Commission, DG Budget, to provide evaluation services in a range of policy areas.
Evaluation of the Pilot of Patient Held Diary (PHD)
The evaluation of this pilot adopted a multi-pronged approach comprised of with six elements.
Evaluation of Phase Two Skilled for Health
TIHR was part of the National Evaluation team for the second phase of 'Skilled for Health'. We used a ‘Theory of Change’ framework to evaluate Skilled for Health at programme, project and individual level.
Evaluation of Healthy Living Centres
Taking the lead in a consortium, the Tavistock Institute evaluates the HLC programme success in terms of the aims of the Big Lottery Fund and the HLCs themselves.
Evaluation of a Healthy Start
The Tavistock Institute worked in partnership with Symbia management consultants to evaluate phase 1 of Healthy Start, a Department of Health scheme which has replaced the Welfare Food Scheme in the Phase 1 area (Devon and Cornwall).
Can Organisations Learn from Experience?
Set against the changes of the NHS in the 1990’s, management at all levels were anxious and exhausted. Over a period of five years, a Health Authority in the Home Counties went through seven mergers.
A Voice of the Public on Health Issues
TIHR consultants devised an extended organisational development intervention that helped managers and staff to develop new roles for senior and middle managers and staff consistent with achieving their business goals and supporting the new organisational plan being implemented.
The Role of Traditional Healing in Mental Health
Burgeoning research has highlighted the convoluted mental health pathways of members of the African and Caribbean communities, and their over-representation within the mental health service.
Where Next For Teenage Parents
A presentation given by Principal Researcher Judy Corlyon to a group of staff and post-graduate students at the University of Greenwich on 25th April 2012.
Action research as a methodology that brings together value-based and evidence based approaches
The leader of the TIHR Trauma Stream of work, Dr Milena Stateva recently presented an argument on the potential of action research to bring together evidence-based and value-based approaches to practice enhancement and policy making.
Teenage pregnancy rate keeps on falling, but what about support for teenagers who do have babies?
In the latest in a series of research and policy reviews on teenage pregnancy, we highlight how attention has predominately focused on the prevention of teenage pregnancy, often to the exclusion of teenagers who become parents.
European day on Anti-Trafficking: Time for Consolidation
TIHR reflects on strengthening organisational and systemic responses in Europe.
Forensic sexual offences examinations
Report published on the feasibility of transferring budget and commissioning responsibility of Sexual Offences examinations.
'Managing Vulnerability: The Underlying Dynamics of Systems of Care'
Tim Dartington's new book, 'Managing Vulnerability' explores the dynamics of care. He argues that we know how to do it, but somehow we seem to keep getting it wrong.
A service evaluation using 'Patient Opinion' as a case study.
Assessing the potential and progress of web-based patient and service user feedback for quality improvement.
New book released: 'Responding to Drug Misuse'
We are delighted to annouce the release of this book containing a chapter by Judy Corlyon, Principal Researcher.
Caring in a Crisis - new research report released this month
A knowledge review into the role of social care in aiding emergency response and recovery has been launched this month.

Our consultants are there both to hold the space open for profound discussions and ensure that actions are taken, and accountability lines identified.

Research & Evaluation

How can a focus on human relations add value to social research and evaluation?

Strategic Leadership Circles

Transformative conversations for senior healthcare leaders

Pandemic dreaming

Dreams from 2020

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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